When do Black lives matter? fact is they don't!

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the cutoff is where their political ideology doesn’t encourage them to deconstruct society every time their feelings are hurt.

probably covers most Democrats and half of the spineless republicans nowadays

Youth these days…

They’re not.

It’s an illusion.

That was incredibly hyperbolic.

i wish

How is society being deconstructed?

by the anarchist left in their nationwide metropolitan crusade to cause mayhem, destruction and defacing of businesses and monuments

you are learning a lot tonight!

keep asking

that’s how you learn

Okay, so you are being specific about the riots and not the peaceful protest portions? How does “mayhem, destruction and defacing of businesses and monuments” deconstruct society?

Didn’t we discuss quoting 9 yards of posts?

There is a problem, the problem is a culture that embraces failure and blames everyone else except those who are failing for those failures.

Parents all too often instead of making the hard choices to be responsible and raise responsible kids instead keep pumping out kids into broken homes with no hope and little chance of having a decent future.

Fathers all too often simply sleep with women and move on abandoning or never considering actually being a father to their kids.

Women who chose to sleep with men they know have no plan to be around and help raise the kids they father aren’t being forced into doing such things, it’s their choice.

Those women then all too often head to the welfare office instead of modifying their own behaviors and remain dependent on the state for years or decades in various forms frequently doing nothing to learn a skill or get a degree to improve their own lot in life.

Democrats embrace and endorse all of this and scream “Racist” to anyone who attempts to bring the truth out and encourage the kids coming from these homes to break the cycle escaping ghetto life and ghetto culture so the cycle just keeps repeating.

No, there is no value at all in an uneducated, inexperience person’s opinion.

No, body cam’s can’t tell you how much force is necessary to accomplish your goal much less if the use of force you are using is lawful or within guidelines.

All they are good for is seeing the results in the aftermath of an incident.

Determining just how much force to use requires a great deal of hands on practice and experience actually putting your hands on and exerting physical force against others.

An outside reviewer with zero personal or professional experience has nothing of value to offer on the subject.

How do you know this? Why do you deny the influence of environmental factors that are the result of earlier decade’s racist housing and hiring policies?

I wasn’t suggesting otherwise.

How do I know this? Decades of observation and direct discussion.

Don’t give me that crap about decades and centuries past either, it’s just a lame excuse for people who make piss poor decisions, get piss poor results because of them, and want to blame others instead of accepting responsibility for their own decisions and actions.

Millions of blacks in this country who have broken out of poverty into the middle class and beyond prove conclusively it can be done by anyone who makes the right choices and works hard.

It’s better than nothing. You work with the technology you got.

That’s why you have an outside reviewer with personal or professional experience. Duh.

Sounds to me like you’re © just stereotyping and refuse to accept what tons of experts who have studied this ■■■■ have been saying.

Just because some people are able to escape the circumstances of their environment doesn’t mean everyone can.

You © blame their culture but refuse to acknowledge that environment shapes culture and influences choices.