What's your favortite patriotic show?

This could include movies as well.

The one that I am currently watching is “Medal of Honor” on Netflix. Some great stories of heroism in defense of freedom. Amazing stuff. And it’s great for liberals as well because they do a great job of inclusion. Minority contributions are well represented. U.S. internment camps are shown as well. As they should be. I challenge anyone to “take a knee” after watching one of these episodes.

I enjoyed Black Sheep Squadron…

Good one. Loved those Corsairs!

The Americans

I kid. I kid.

It was just to good to not do it.

I am sorry… but not too sorry.

You’re forgiven.


I really tried not to… but had no self control.

The Bachelor. Fake women, confused guy, I mean what can be more patriotic? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

West Wing. And I’ll go along with The Civil War. Both superb shows.

sorry, my bad. I shouldn’t have brought up the founding four fathers.

Old White Men, aren’t politically correct. lol.

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