What would you do libs?

Considering their body builds and ages I would say they are in a military organization would you agree?

It’s possible, but gang bangers probably PT harder.

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That pic is from a 2016 Guardian article about El Salvador. Whats the connection?

course not we have the wonderful TSA and Department of homeland security to give everyone that warn fluffy feeling. But that does not mean that oranized terrorism plotter would not rather get people who will not send up red flags to go through legal ways(student visas, tourism, etc) so these people could move free vs trying to send em via the the southern border and letting things to go chance.

how many of the last 15 succesfful terror acts within the us were by citizen, people with green cards, or in some weird case like with the Pensacola shooting, here at the invitation of the pentagon?



Nothing you’ve said will cause Libs to justify anyone defending themselves against scumbags, whether terrorists or criminals. It is far better and morally superior for victims to just allow themselves to be killed and hopefully manage to apologize to their attackers for whatever offense they caused before they actually die.

Now, if the terrorists had come in to Israel screaming improper pronouns at Israelis, well then, such vermin should be exterminated from the earth!

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nEed MoRe gUn LawZ!

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It’s a photo from 8 years ago in another country so whats the connection?

It’s a photo of ms-13 gang members. What’s so hard to connect?

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Why not use a photo of MS13 members in the US?

Yeah I know the point you are trying to make and its a bit of a fail. Better luck next time.

It was the one that came up on the google images. I’d hardly call 10,000 military age men murdering, raping and smuggling guns and sex workers failing at making my point. Unless your point is that you don’t care.


If course its an issue but the majority of MS13 members are US citizens and MS13 originated in the US.

There are what, 1 million gang members in the US? so while they are a violent and despicable gang they are not the only ones committing the crimes you stated. No gang activity should be tolerated and they are all a blight on todays society.

But yes I know MS13 have a particular reputation for extreme violence and zero regard for any human life but they are just as repugnant as any other gang. But we all know why certain sections of the media focus so much on MS13.

Does Massacre apply?

A massacre is an event of killing people who are not engaged in hostilities or are defenseless. It is generally used to describe a targeted killing of civilians en masse by an armed group or person.

I do not think Israel is targeting civilians, but a lot are being killed…many are kids and women.

You realize of course that that’s exactly the rationale that the Turks gave for the mass deportation of the Armenians on death marches into the desert, right? They claimed that there was a terrorist faction known as the Dashnak’s, and shipped all of the Armenians of Eastern Anatolia out.

MS-13 originated in El Salvador. Gang members migrated here and set up shop. They still answer back to the gang leadership in El Salvador.

They are in the US. MS-13 started in the US.

And Venezuela.

How many kids did yaboi Mao kill?

Women are equal.

Then stop trying to equate procedures then to proceedures now. It is much easier to move across the border illegally now then to make it through the screening process. Do you think theses people would do it legally if it was easier then paying mules to smuggle them? How many got away?

“In fiscal year 2023, Border Patrol reported apprehending 151 migrants with positive terrorism watchlist matches who entered the U.S. illegally along the southern border, an all-time high for the region that eclipsed the previous record of 98 set in fiscal year 2022, government figures show. In fiscal year 2021, the agency reported just 15 such apprehensions.”

151 vrs 15 in just a couple of year time frame increase.