“what were living in right now...it is fascism”

Zero power? One tweet by AOC pushed Nancy to call for an impeachment vote within 24 hours.

I’m not confident in your causal claims regarding impeachment.

But undoubtedly AOC has power in Congress.

Simply fact. One tweet by AOC and Nancy changes her mind.


Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

I think it’s safe to say that theres a lot that goes 9n behind the scenes within the Dem caucus that you’re not privy to.

Although I’m sure AOC is happy to hear you give her all the credit.

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Funny wasn’t the lack of political experience one of the good quality of Trump?

She is the Liberal Trump, she is saying crazy stuff for the sole reason to make Republican rush to attack it, ignoring her policy’s.

think about it we spend all day hearing about what Trump is saying on twitter but we don’t talk about his judicial appointments.

Yeah, because the life experiences of a 27 year old bartender are exactly the same a a 70 somthing businessman billionaire.

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we are not talking about life experience we are talking about political experience, If you compare the two AOC has more in common with the average American then Trump.

being a billionaire doesn’t equal intelligence or ability neither does being poor.
You can be rich and be a complete moron.

None on the right are ignoring her idiotic policy suggestions, we laugh them off as they deserve.


Give us a list of say 5 “complete morons” who have made hundreds of millions or billions in business and tell us how each of them accomplished it.


We don’t usually elect “Average Americans” to lead the country.

You’d be hard pressed to set the bar any lower.

I love irony. Just love it.

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Well done.

She is a hologram. A puppet.

I think a case can be made for sliding that way. Of course it has nothing to do with Trump.

Fascism, socialism. It’s so difficult for me to keep track of what we’re becoming these days.

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There’s a hell of a lot of crossover between the two. Both end up with totalitarians in charge.

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i know the feeling. this is what happens when the sounds the leftwit makes vibrate your eardrums, or when their idiot words focus on your retina

in what way are we “sliding toward fascism?”