What the hell is going on with rising Anti Semitic Attacks

Anti-Semitism in Europe is coming from several sources that include: A growing number of Muslim immigrants from the Middle East, anti-Israel left-wing politics, and neo-Nazi groups.

The US appears to be headed in a similar direction:

As far as the hundreds of recent anti-Semitic crimes in the New York City area, the New York Times admitted in a 2018:

During the past 22 months, not one person caught or identified as the aggressor in an anti-Semitic hate crime has been associated with a far right-wing group, Mark Molinari, commanding officer of the police department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, told me.

The national media has generally ignored the growing problem of Anti-Semitism in the New York area since it does not match the narrative of “white nationalists” being the only source of anti-Semitism.

But anti-Semitism has the interesting quality of providing common ground between some on the far left and some on the far right.

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I find it interesting most of the recent Anti Jewish attacks have taken place in New York.

To hear some talk, states like New York & New Jersey are hubs of diversity and tolerance.

Diversity, yes. Tolerance, no.

There are Jews in DC, Atlanta, Miami, yet no one seems to be bothering them. There are enclaves of Judaism in parts of Massachusetts & Connecticut, & they seem pretty quiet, no attacks in places of worship or celebrations that take place at home.

What is it about New York & antisemitism that seem to go hand in hand lately?

Made in China.

My understanding is that most of the recent attacks have been against Hasidic Jews and others who easily identified by their customs and dress. They are concentrated in a few communities in the New York area and represent only small portion of the national Jewish population.

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Tampa, Florida has this sane sect of Jews, the “Lubavitch” part of the name being their place of origin (a town called Lubavitch in Poland, IIRC).

There was a similar community meeting place near our former town of residence in nearby Westborough, Massachusetts.

Nobody’s bothering them either. What gives with NY?

There was a rash of telephone bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers back in 2017 and 2018.

It turns out that an American-Israeli teenager was responsible for a large number of them. About 100 threats came even after he was in prison awaiting trial:

An African-American journalist also pleaded guilty to several threats:

David Duke is anti-semitic conspiracy theorist member of the KKK, why should I listen to him.

Good question.

Of course, if David Duke ever has a kind word to say about President Trump or a Republican, the media go crazy and demand an immediate repudiation. On the other hand, they don’t seem to care when Duke supports a Democrat.

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Some people never learn their lesson.

As do I. I really and truly do not understand the reasons for hatred of Jewish people.

It’s a tale as old time.

The Jewish people have been scapegoated for nearly every societal ill since the Middle Ages. When some European nation or kingdom suffered some issue, like a plague outbreak, they immediately blamed the Jews for it.

I am particularly offended by black anti semitism. Blacks and Jews have a very similar history. Enslavement, mistreatment, pogroms, being blamed for society’s failings and genocide.

If any two racial groups should have close ties it should be the Jewish people and the members of the black African diaspora considering our historical experiences in nations we weren’t the majorities in.

I despise Racial Supremacy of any stripe.

The first being the primary source which sadly is resulting in a rise in Neo Nazism in Europe as well.

Strange almost how they are gaining ground because two groups they despise are attacking /killing/stalking each other.

Every issue provides common ground for some on each side.

It’s best to ignore him. Nobody really cares what he has to say anyway.

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Diversity itself lends to increases in hate crimes by forcing people who hate each other together.

I’m sure you think you have a point there somewhere.

What might it be?

Do you realize that democrats have virtually killed the textiles industry in the US?

There are lots of “Sane Sects of Judaism”, not one.

I know you are wont to do so but in order to educate yourself.

If you make no attempt to understand your opposition you are pretty well destined to live in obliviousness.