What the hell. Emmet Flood attends FBI briefing!

The link says “Page Cannot Be Found.”

Broken link.


FBI informant briefing could speed Trump-Mueller interview, Giuliani says - POLITICO informant-republicans-democrats-doj-meeting

FBI informant briefing could speed Trump-Mueller interview, Giuliani says

I’ll get to reading the whole article after this post but let me express the long slow eye roll that occured when I realized you sent me a Giuliani statement instead of having your own reasoning for your claim.


Link’s no good

And a famous talk show host as well. :smirk:

damn, link broke when i posted it too… Wonder why?

Here is the headline on Politico yall can google to bring it up: FBI informant briefing could speed Trump-Mueller interview, Giuliani says

Your link worked fine for me.

You got all of that, from Emmet Flood being in attendance at the meeting? Trump’s essentially behaving like a traitor to the nation?

Flood is a well known attorney, who advised both of the Clintons, Bush, Cheney, etc… Maybe he’s there to provide outside legal advice?

I know it is odd, if someone in the meeting wanted legal advice, why not use US administration legal counsel? Unless someone wanted an outside opinion?

Okay, I read your link. I’m still not seeing how this affects the timeline of the Mueller probe or what it has to do with the midterms. Not too mention the fact that Mueller is clearly not operating with any political issues in mind, and certainly not from some secret nefarious plan hatched by Democrats. So, I’ll ask as well, can you explain?

I fixed mine. Not sure why it came up that way unless this site added a file extension or something. I deleted some emphasized text line?

Ok I’ve read Giuliani’s statement you’ve hitched your cart to.

There is nothing in it to support your claim that this has anything to do with midterms. Because it doesn’t. Midterms are pretty much happening as of yesterday.

Even if things went on Giuliani’s fantastical made up timeline that you believe in, everything settled by Labor Day, it’s still a thing that’s having an affect on midterms.

So you’re completely wrong about everything on top of the all the things you’re with Giuliani on being wrong about.

Thanks for the link tho. :heart_eyes:

Since when did you people care about anything affecting the midterms?

No. I got that from what the president is doing. He is showing by his actions. He is showing me that he is willing to do or say anything to save his ass. And that includes trying to convince the world that our justice agencies are corrupt. With no evidence of wrongdoing he (assisted by Fox News) are slamming fine men and women who are doing their jobs. Don’t get me wrong here. If there is corruption it should be addressed. But I truly believe that Trump has no respect for the rule of law and our Constitution.

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LOL okay, Stretch. He is literally Trump’s attorney for the Russia investigation. He can’t be in this briefing providing legal advice to members of Congress and they would never ask him to do so. However it’s a great way to try to learn what the people investigating you know so you can try to avoid telling provable lies and perhaps to get your associates to keep their stories straight.


It doesn’t seem to me that Trump has any control over any of the timing of the investigation.

Or the FBI didn’t want to participate in a blatantly political move and required that Democrats be allowed to attend. I’d bet a thousand dollars Nunes didn’t invite them.


That this even had to explained.

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Do you actually understand anything you read in this article? It doesn’t force anything. Giuliani is saying that if they can find out what the investigators already know then they coach Trump not to tell any obvious lies to Mueller’s team and therefore go ahead with an interview. Otherwise they’re going to keep avoiding an interview because they know Trump won’t be able to avoid lying.

Regarding Flood:

Pelosi said she was invited to attend, but deferred to Schiff.

“They called me and said, ‘since the speaker’s going to that meeting. Why don’t you?’ And I said ‘because I don’t believe in that meeting,’” Pelosi said. “But to make sure we know what is being conveyed in that Republican meeting, Adam Schiff will be attending the meeting. Adam Schiff will be attending the meeting, and then he will attend the Gang of Eight meeting.”

Still not sure on who “they” is.

The whole thing is still wrong, but at least Flood wasn’t in the meeting. I guess.

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