What should we do to make elections more believable again?

It’s funny how your answer is always vague hand wavey Kabbala fitness trainer stuff: oh, you have to be enlightened to know, ignore the fact this gives me license to claim or say anything and not ever have to back it up, also I’m on a political discussion board keeping my political positions secret for some reason.


Educating conservative boomers on how to recognize scams would go a long way.

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Occupy Capitol Building

They are struggling with an image problem they think they have.

Because a historical election occured or because of the results of the election…

How about actually making sure the signature matches that of the voter . .

oh wait

can’t ■■■■■■■ do that . . . they have to have every vote for the dems . . .

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Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we?

It’s not “people”. It’s republicans.

And why don’t they. They where bottle fed “rigged elections” for four years.



Voting Counts Act

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 4
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Chusing Senators.

Given the fuster cluck of 2020, IMHO Congress should take up and pass legislation to guarantee the right that valid ballots are counted during federal elections. Some things I’d like to see addressed follow.

Voter Registration Commission:
Establishment of a bipartisan commission consisting of equal numbers of State Secretaries of State and equal number of Congressional representatives split between Senators and Representatives. In addition the commission will include recognized legal scholars with a demonstrated expertise in election law. The Post Master General of the United States would be a commission member but limited to providing input on and voting on matters pertaining to the United States Postal Service (USPS).

The commission’s charter would be to analyze and provide input on proposed legislation to establish a national Voter Registration Clearing House (VRCH) under the preview of the Federal Elections Commission. The VRCH would integrate information from State level vital statistics agencies (births/marriages/deaths), the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, State level Departments of Motor Vehicles, State Level Voter Registration systems and include Technology Experts in the field of data management and security. State level Departments of State responsible for maintaining voter registrations would be able to access the VRCH to identify:
(A) Persons actively registered in the state who are deceased,
(B) Persons actively registered in the state who have changed their residence either outside the state or to a different voting district inside the State, and
(C ) Persons whose right to vote has either been removed by due process of the law or restored by the State restricting the right.
(D) As a data source for State election agencies to notify people of removal from voter rolls due to change of residency.

Vote by Mail Protections:
(A) State would be required to count valid votes received up to X days (I’m fine with 3) after Election Day as long as they are delivered directly from the USPS to election officials. Such ballots are required to be either postmarked by Election Day or certified by the USPS to have been in their possession by Election Day. (Overseas and Military ballots exempt, they are covered under current Federal law.)
(B) The USPS will be required to prioritize the delivery of mail-in ballots.
(C ) The USPS will be required to segregate and quarantine all mail-in ballots collected on or before election day no matter when collected.
(D) The USPS will be required to keep all mail-in ballots collected after election day separate and quarantined from those ballots received on or before election day and must be delivered to election officials in separate containers from any mail-in ballot received on or before election day.
(E ) The USPS will be required to certify that mail-in ballots received on or before election day were in the possession of the USPS on or before election day to prevent ballot rejection for an illegible postmark. Once certified by the USPS a ballot will be considered valid with or without a postmark caused by USPS error.

Vote Drop Off for Other Persons:
Persons who receive a mail-in ballot and are physically unable to place the ballot in a USPS mail box or official drop box established by local election officials can designate an individual to place the sealed mail in ballot in an authorized container (mail or official drop box established by election officials) for the purpose of providing the ballot to election officials. Such third party transportation of ballots would be restricted in by the following:
(A) The ballot caster is required to complete the ballot, any documentation of information, and seal both the internal security envelope and outer delivery envelope.
(B) The person authorizing delivery must provide such authorization in writing which will be part of the ballot package. The authorizing individual must provide all of the following: Legal name of the person being authorized, address, social security number or State ID (driving or non-driving ID), and relationship. Non-related individual must provide their voter registration number.
(C ) A legal spouse, legal parent, legal guardian, sibling or child may transport and deliver a mail-in ballot for any legal spouse, legal parent, sibling or child without restriction but must still be documented and identified by the person authorizing the delivery.
(D) A person that is not a legal spouse, legal parent, legal guardian, sibling or child of the person casting the vote may deliver a mail-in ballot for another person when authorized and documented by the person casting the vote but may provide delivery assistance to no more than 5 persons. A person may only provide such assistance if they are a registered voter in the same precinct as the voter and must provide their voter registration number.
(E ) A person that is not a legal spouse, legal parent, legal guardian, sibling or child of the person casting the vote will be in violation of Federal election law and subject to criminal prosecution for a misdemeanor subject to a $500 dollar fine per instance over 5 and up to 1-year of incarceration total per instance of illegal ballot delivery.

Vote Counting:
(A) Local election officials are authorized and encouraged to perform security pre-screening of mail-in and drop box ballots upon receipt of the ballot package and are not required to wait until Election Day to start that process.
(B) Pre-screening should be commenced as early as practicable so that ballot inconsistencies can be addressed, the voter contacted to and corrective action taken.
(C ) After pre-screen the inner ballot envelop will be clearly marked as either “Accepted” or “Rejected”. Accepted ballots will be grouped separately from rejected ballots to facilitate security and counting.
(D) Accepted security envelopes will be opened and counted on or after election day subject to normal vote counting.

In-person voter ID except for the regular absentee voters like overseas military members, not the “OMG COVID!!1!” voters. If they can go to Wal-Mart or the grocery they can go vote in person.


Quit electing politicians that ■■■■ with the election rules. And why is this a problem but gerrymandering isn’t?

do something about patently false information on facebook, twitter, etc.

And since in-person election day voting is the preferred method of Republicans thats a win/win.

The media shouldn’t have told us the Russians hacked the election. You’re right.


That would be a start.


More censors. That’s a great idea.


What media said that?


Right? They keep talking about how young people are too stupid to vote, when they can’t get within 10 feet of a computer and getting 10 virii, give away their savings to a Nigerian Prince, and believe every conspiracy theory they read on their MySpace.

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Russians hacked the GOP.

NYT, NPR, CNN, pretty much all of them.

I only go by facts of the case.
