What Should Guide (inform for the Crits) Public Policy

In the Islamic world Sharia law is the basis for many of their legal codes. There is also secular humanist movements that are pretty much anything goes that isn’t religious. Then you have Marxism which views morals subservient to the collective in the quest for utopian Communism and the repression of anything that challenges the central control that is supposed to guide society to that utopian state.

The Constitution can’t say, “Government should do (such-and-such) because X-religion teaches (this-and-that)…”

You’re right. It doesn’t specifically do that.

In my opinion though, e7’s use of a “universal just belief” is something that transcends mankind and is not rooted in science. But yes, I was injecting my take on what he said, and I might be presumptuous in doing so.

I’ll repeat:

The posters in the other thread were/are off base. A truly devout person, regardless of their religion, can’t help but be influenced by their religion. And that’s fine.

What the posters were concerned about, (and what isn’t happening) is the enactment of scripture into law. E.G.:

“As Leviticus 20:13 commands: if a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads, I am introducing Senate Bill 202, the death penalty for committing homosexuality”.

It doesn’t say it’s not because of it either.

Mentioning scripture in a decision is not “enacting.”

Forgetting the New Testament?


Is it? Which source other than religion?

Good, good. Do you know where Confucius got his ideas?

One could call it self-religion. As many philosophers once said, humans create their own Gods when they need to.

Like the French Republicans did during the revolution. The Republic became the new God.


Yes, but Islam is a religion. Of Abrahamic God even.

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I’ll be honest I’m not sure. I’ve always assumed it came from ancient Chinese religion which he reinterpreted to apply to the Chinese government in language the average Han Chinese could understand. Like the theory behind the Mandate of Heaven and what not that the Chinese people still live by.

Well the Constitution doesn’t say it. Government says it all the time because other things say it. They claim science routinely for example.

What morality is rooted in science? Is that even possible?

Very true. Most of the famous abolitionists were inspired to become abolitionists because of their reading of the New Testament.

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I don’t think one can root morality in science, since science is how one describes the natural world, not why it is.

Kind of like Christians who believe fully in Darwinian Evolution. It’s not the answer to why. But the answer to how as described by science.

Can the Constitution say, “Government should do such and such because science teaches this and that”?

You are very, very close to my point with that post.

Confucionism is a derivative of Daoism. An attempt by the state to conform the former if you will. To correct it a bit.

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