What should be done with John Kerry, meeting with the Iranians.?

At The very least, His passport should be pulled. Forget the Logan act, nobody gets charged with that.

We should water board him too.

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I’m betting Kerry keeps in touch with the Trump administration, even though neither Kerry nor Trump would admit to it.

Remember how the Logan act was all the talk of the left when it was Flynn?

Remember the months long Trial of Nancy Pelosi?

I hate to interject too many sensible questions into this thread but why, where and when did he meet them?

Maybe Valerie Jarrett hired Kerry to negotiate a good position for her in the Iranian government. I bet she wants to go home now that her work here is done.

Yeah see this is why it doesn’t pay to ask the sensible questions.


So seriously… you saw nothing wrong with Obama’s senior advisor having allegiance through birth in the world’s sponsor of terrorism?

Yeah, living somewhere from birth to 5 doesn’t magically make someone loyal. Perhaps if you say it often enough, though, it might become true - don’t forget to click your heels!

But 90% of her brain development occurred there! :nerd_face:

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So those born in the US to non-citizen parents are not loyal to the US?

Is this before or after they have become culturally and socially bonded to the US by living here?

If they leave when they’re 5?

Use it as a rhetorical device like “lock her up” to fool groups of rubes then never deliver.

Let’s say living here while 90% of his brain develops… when the neurons are most active in making connections.

Which is a stupid measure, but I am not surprised by someone who has obliviously never raised someone from 0-5.

being born in a country doesn’t make you loyal to them.

So those children born on US soil to non-citizen parents are not loyal to the US?

Children born on U.S soil to Citizen parent could be not loyal to the US.