What’s up with Fox News and libertarian/anarchist Judge Napolitano regarding ICE?

Wong’s parents were here lawfully.


Did you miss my answer?


The facts apparently make little difference to those with an agenda.


The “fact” is that the children of illegals were not automatically granted citizenship in the US until after a series of court rulings beginning in the sixties and running into the late seventies or eighties.

I can’t remember the year exactly but I can remember right after it was “settled” there was a huge rash of Mexican mothers actually in labor rushing across the border to have their kids and thus get defacto permanent status and welfare in the US as a result of the birth occurring in the US.

The fact is, a myth has been created that the Supreme Court addressed whether or not a child born to an illegal entrant while on America soil is granted citizenship under the 14th Amendment. The myth uses the Wong case, which never really addressed if a child born to an illegal entrant is granted citizenship upon birth