What is the Antidote? Let's try this again

So we should just let them all in? To show compassion?

Not everyone is aware of their own subconscious motives.

We should only allow legal immigration ever!

I like how Bill Clinton set an example of how to treat interns. I learned a lot about how to treat women from him and Ray Rice.

Big Ravens fan huh?:sunglasses:

Rule 4 of Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ , the leftist’s bible dedicated by Hillary’s mentor and hero to Lucifer.

  1. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Looks like someone is practicing those rules.

Now you are just flailing about. Your Alinsky ramblings are just that if you dont see Trump as using the same playbook.


Grab 'em by the ■■■■■■ Oh, wait, that was the anointed one Mr Trump. As the OP said, both sides…….

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So, why in your opinion has that become such a controversial issue.

Is it exploitation of those ignorant to our laws that inspire fear and hatred towards those who support our laws?

It’s multifaceted. Are you asking about immigration overall or just the caravan?

Absolutely :wink:

No asking to take them in, just their motivation.

And they are not funded by anybody, just poor human beings just going on hope. Some will be granted asylum. Most are ■■■■ out of luck.


Asylum is part of our laws


So what should be done with them? You don’t suggest anything. You’re just calling conservatives heartless for not wanting to let them all in, but covering your own ass by not saying what should be done with them. Or are you just a heartless conservative as well?

Here you go with Clinton thing, CLINTON IS NOT LEFT WING, they are center-right. Clinton’s economic policies where to right of Reagan’s. Clinton Gutted Welfare something no GOP could get because Clinton was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He was going to cut Social Security next but a well timed Oral episode in the Oval Office and a blue dress distracted him from that. Trump loves the Clinton’s only reason he talked bad about Hillary was because she was in way of something he wanted.

You took an active role. Most people prefer to passively sit back and have their biases confirmed.

Ummm… context?

Akinsky was not BILL Clinton’s hero and mentor. Is there … just maybe… another person named Clinton that I could have been referring to? This is not a trick question.

I can admit and so can person that you quoted that Bill Clinton was a scumbag, for what he did in office I also can admit Trump is also. But looking at your posts I don’t think you would admit Trump is because you excuse him of it because of tribalism mentality.

Enforce our borders.

Well the ones that make, a handful. Process their asylum applications.

Very few will make it in, looks to me this is more economic than political.

Being poor in not enough to grant asylum. (Obviously)
