What is Mike Pompeo doing?

Good post.

How is that even part of his job?

Under the Constitution, the President of the United States determines U.S. foreign policy. The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.

It is illegal for him to do electioneering on government time, and his job is to carry out the president’s foreign policy directives. NOTHING in his constitutional job description has ANYTHING to do with domestic political activities.

I am definitely NOT going to vote for Hillary before I see those emails!

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If there were lies, I want the liars prosecuted and time…doesn’t change that. As the swamp is being drained, the truth is being exposed and those that lied…and committed crimes…need to be held accountable…before “we” move forward.

I will admit I was wrong everytime I said “Who cares about Hillary?”

Clearly the this administration does, in a weird “CEC still talks constant about her even in 2020” kind of way.

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Well, my decision is much easier after reading this thread. I’m definitely not voting for Hillary this year.

I would wait until after the debates. :wink:


Have at it. But the push to get them out specifically before the election reeks of politics and desperation.

The push my friend…if there was one…and there isn’t…I’ve waited four years now so…so much for that…but if there was…it’s because…if…Trump is not reelected…it’s all gone…just as if Hillary had been elected…four years ago.

There is a push. Pompeo said so specifically. And what is gone?

Oh stop it and if there is, it’s about ■■■■■■■ time.

Her email scandal caused a whole boatload of problems for her party. They thought she would still win and make it all go away. When she didn’t, the ‘insurance policy’ fully kicked in. What they are uncovering to this day about it is tied to it. That is why it’s still relevant to this day.

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Maybe Mikey can release the medical files on Kerry or go after Doukakis next.

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Mike says he has them. And that they “will be” released.

We both know, if he had them, they would have been released yesterday.

Democrats are really dropping the ball by not demanding Jared’s encrypted chats.

Anyone else wonder what happened here??


He was lying.

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Any other actual thoughts??

That is all you need to know.

Pompeo was lying. There was nothing to release.

For most people it went down the memory hole… I honestly forgot that this happened until you bumped this thread… there is just too much stupid to keep track of.

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