What has Trump Accomplished?

Neither of those is good in Libville.

There is nothing to counter a cartoonish view of the opposing side. Your post deserved les than what he posted. “Anti American” nonsense is just that. It’s low hanging fruit for people who don’t want to argue actual positions. I know you do in general which why that post was kinda surprising tbh

To whom and why?

What spending has Trump reduced?

I employed a divisive description to underscore that she divides and attacks Americans. Its what she does.

Urban cosmopolitan types vs. stupid rural people. Smart people vs religious people. Racists are in every closet and under every bed. Big pharma is bad. Insurance companies are bad. Corporate America is bad. One percenters are bad. Slumlords, employers who don’t provide childcare etc. etc…

Everything about her platform us about getting one part of America to attack another.

That’s funny. So the war on Christmas isn’t a real thing eh?

As time goes on, it will be revealed to whom and why. Regarding myself personally, it’s because that’s the truth. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Denying that was serving no purpose but to cause dissention. Now that the US has made their declaration, others are following and I believe it will take us to a better place where maybe, just maybe…the middle east can find some peace.

Why do you think it could possibly lead to peace?

Please don’t take this wrong because I’m not being disrespectful to your question but last night, my 21 month year old grand daughter hadn’t finished her cupcake but saw all the rest on a plate and wanted another one. My wife took the plate away into the kitchen and my grand daughter was happy again with what she had. By taking Jerusalem off the table, IMO it will move the focus to something that can actually be fixed. Dividing Jerusalem or which son was actually being sacrificed on the sacred rock are questions that can never be fully answered by man. This is a “spiritual” issue and because of that, unanswerable and highly volatile.

Did you know Jerusalem was the first direction of prayer for Muslims? Did you know the first mosques in Medina were built facing Jerusalem?

How does putting the US Embassy there “take it off the table”?

If you go back to the beginning of each faith, you have Abraham. Where the difference lies between Islam and the Jewish faith is which son was Abraham about to sacrifice on the Holy rock? The Jews and Christians believe it was Isaac where the Muslims believe it was Ishmael. This one spot is sacred to both. I suggest it takes it off the table because a spiritual matter can not be decided by logic. If it becomes generally accepted that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, then the other matters of dispute that are based on land or some other physical issue can be dealt with to some conclusion. The jury is still out whether this strategy will be successful but by not doing it, no settlement could have ever been reached IMHO.

If you go back to the beginning you have God.

And I say the Muslims are going to see it as a further affront and it will make things worse.

Great Satan in the house yo!

You missed your calling there…“rev”…:sunglasses:

Well I think that if you go back to “the beginning” of each faith it’s a cribbed creation myth and flood that was stolen from previous religions/folk tales because they needed to come up with something to explain how everything began. Thankfully the Mesopotamians had something they could borrow.

That’s fine my friend. You have a path to walk, a life to live and if I can help you in some way, it’s my pleasure to do so. The Bible marks this happening in Genesis. Historians and archeologists have not been able to refute this event either. Abraham goes to Isaac, Isaac goes to Jacob, Jacob to the 12 tribes of Israel. Ishmael’s mother, Hagar was told to leave Abrahams house by his wife Sarah, after Isaac was born. Isaac was not the first born, it was Ishmael. These things are not disputed by any of these faiths and it’s a remarkable thing that this historic event, recorded in The Bible has evidence today that it really happened and thus you have Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

If Hillary had won we’d have a President who could stick her face in some dough to make gorilla cookies.

Anyone who got drunk could watch the President on TV to realize in the morning he’d be sober, but the President would still be ugly.

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He is going to fit in nicely here with some. :rofl:

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