What has Made America a Great Country?

Just because I’ve written a couple of books, what makes you think I don’t have an average Joe perspective? But you are certainly right about one thing, writing a book or two doesn’t make anybody special.

Many RWNJ’s have inferiority complexes.

Well, for one you keep avoid answering my question.
Maybe 3rd time with be a charm with me asking you the same question. Sooooooo do you or do you not have a lot of street smarts first hand average joe experience?

Democrats and their Politicians, and the Fake News Media enjoy asking question
after question after question, but it’s hard for them to either give a straight answer,
or sometimes an answer at all. lol.

It’s ok, I guess I’m use to it by now. It just makes trying to actually have a debate,
and an intellectual political discussion with one very hard to find. lol.

I have street smarts coming out the wazoo. I lived on the streets as a youth. My unemployed buddies didn’t just get in fights, we got in hammer fights. And we usually won because we had street smarts. But we were also closet intellectuals, and we read Satre and other existentialists when we weren’t hammer fighting. So, yeah.

And now because you wrote two books, you think that you’re better than me?

What are hammer fights? When you say you lived on the streets, do you actually mean that you slept outside at night?

I’ve kept track, and I think I’ve slept outside for more than two years of my life. A hammer fight is like a fight, but you’re wielding hammers. It’s brutal. Mostly, the blows don’t land–figure that! No, I’m no better than anybody else, and I’m no better than you.

I haven’t slept outside that long in total. But have some experience.

Hammer fights don’t sound pleasant.

To shay on your humbleness. That is a rare on either side of the Ideological spectrum.

[quote=“amadeus, post:187, topic:158767, full:true”]

I have street smarts coming out the wazoo. I lived on the streets as a youth. My unemployed buddies didn’t just get in fights, we got in hammer fights. And we usually won because we had street smarts. But we were also closet intellectuals, and we read Satre and other existentialists when we weren’t hammer fighting. So, yeah.

What a load of crap…

That was in high school. I went to college and everything changed. Carpe . . . keep on keeping on. By the way, my books were original research. My first book was related to my archaeological excavations in Europe. I was the first American to visit a small town in Belgium since the Battle of the Bulge. They gave me a plate to the city. I can provide a photograph of it.

My second book was related to experimental science education. I’m now a science teacher–which maybe or maybe not makes me an average joe.

PS: I’m 66

PPS: I exaggerated my life outside. I have live outside for 2+ years. But it was not in the street. I was in a tent.

Archaeological excavations sound cool, Battle of the Bulge, plate to the city, and
I hope as a teacher you don’t come from a biased brainwashing Liberal point of view.

I’m not saying you would do that, or you do do that. All I’m saying is that
the majority of education in America now seems to come from a very
Liberal brainwashing point of view, that tries to hinder certain Freedom of Speech,
especially if it comes from a Conservative point of view.

He made me want to learn more, and made learning fun! It was a psychology class, so maybe that helped a little also.

One of the best teachers I ever had was a teacher that got the entire class involved.
He made us want to answer the questions, and raise our hands, and get involved, because from the get go, he picked people individually out, and asked for their answer to the question at hand, or their opinions.

owe, well that’s a lot different than sleeping in an ally way, or on a baseball diamond bench, or an abandon building.

He’re my plate to the city:

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It’s real. I arrived to study some artifacts in their museum. And later I started an excavation there with my colleagues at the Catholic University of Leuven. When I first arrived, they said the mayor wanted to see me. So at 10 am I walked across the town center to his office and we shared a glass of gin. Then they gave me a police escort around town to see the archaeological sites. Then I ran out of time and had to come back the next day. I was young enough to hear stories about the American soldiers. The older guys, who were kids in WWII, loved the Americans. That doesn’t stop me from being a liberal. But it doesn’t matter. My experience overseas was special. It’s the friends I met that were meaningful, not the politics.

Yes. Was the computer or smart phone that you are using invented in Norway? Did Sweden create the latest life saving med? When the world needed somebody to wipe out ISIS did Finland answer the call? Are there Nordic footprints on the moon? Which Nordic country would not be a communist or fascist country if it were not for us?

Belittle the Nordic nations all you like but the people there live healthier, happier and longer lives. They enjoy more equality and receive a better educations.

The Nordic countries have achieved far more that you think. The US could learn a thing or two from them.

Other ended slavery without needing to fight about it. They simply ended it.

We were one of the last of the industrialized nations to rid ourselves of slavery. While our country itself is young, the colonies were in North America since 1607, and the first slaves came to America in 1619. We had slavery here for nearly 250 years.

I don’t get your pride that we ended slavery with a war. It’s not something to be proud of that it took a war to end it.

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