What has Joe Biden done for working folks?


Clearly someone jumped into the thread without reading the posts.


lol ok i’m done you guys get the idea

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one more since second post…


Do you like the name sleepy?

i prefer “creepy”

much creepier than sleepy

but enough about old white non-gay male democrats

That other thread got a little boring.

That’s better as well. So you agree Trump’s grade school insult game is slipping? Does that concern you?

i do not argue that

but good try though

well, not really that good. sorry

Whoa! I did not see this coming.


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But he doesn’t have much else to offer, sheesh, he won’t even release a healthcare plan until afterwards.

This is basically his whole campaign. You need to take it more seriously…

Can Trump loyalists start a petition to help him change it? I don’t think sleepy works.

I like Biden’s campaign slogan “Truth over lies”

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It must be confusing the ■■■■ out of their usual viewers to see someone hold an event and speak in coherent, complete sentences.


Sleepy is a way to imply creepy without saying it. Say the two words sleepy and creepy . Notice anything ? President Trump’s going to let the other Democrats attack Biden over the creep factor by proxy

Who the hell is Madeline Pelz?

No one is wearing a red hat and chanting Lock her up?

Nah, she just snipes from the sidelines.

Bold statement for known plagiarist…


Donnie’s gonna be so mad.

Fox no be loyal DonDon DonDon throw baby tantrum wah.


I dig it. Has a nice ring to it.