What happens when our government invites millions of foreign nationals from barbaric countries into ours?

It’s not the innacuracy (though it is inaccurate) it’s the hyperbole.

When you post in bumper stickers it….

So, specifically where?

The “left” whatever that is didn’t support the Nazis, ISIS, Al Queda

It’s all so very silly to refer to an entire political group in absolutes.

The Arabs who are proudly protesting Israel aren’t the left. At least you don’t know if they are. You are just painting them. You don’t know how they vote or how conservative they are.

There is overlap and when you talk in bumper stickers you ignore the overlap.

Be careful…you’re sounding more like the left that wants to lock up MAGA people.

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Ah yes. The old JHS debate club tactic of minimizing the other’s views by equating with the ridiculous.

Nice try.

Way to try snd slip that in.

Do you know if they were all arabs?

If they were naturalized would that not make them americans?

If not they are not naturalized and here on a visa that can be discontinued at any time?

Is not claiming they are all arabs in fact a form of racial stereotyping that they keft is always yammering about?

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And that is why I suggest sending them [Hamas sympathizers] back to the ■■■■■■■■ countries they came from.


“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - Joseph Story


You know if you think that those are insults you are throwing around……

We are discussing the bay ridge demonstration in this thread. You know the ones you wanted to denaturalize

You are all over the place

You have no idea what political affiliation do the people in these demonstrations hold

The ones from bay ridge are represented by a Republican in Congress.

Nicole Maliotskis who is hardly a rino.

It’s called “bait and switch” . . . a very old, tired and stupid debating trick.

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Another one.

Please point to the bait and switch portion of the post

Once again. Your post tells me more about you than anything else.

Not trying to insult anyone or anything.

Just calling them as I see them and quite truthfully the level of maturity of debate I see from the left, not only here but from the kefts leaders, is wt JHS level.

And not even JHS debate class but JHS debate club. You know the after school debate club?

Its no wonder the left trys to cancel any thoughts opposing theirs. Can’t support their own viewd.

Radical religious fanatics . . .

That’s not Hamas in those protests.

That they support religious fanatics doesn’t make them the left.

"The national chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine called it “a historic win for the Palestinian resistance.”

Debating in generalities and broad brushing gives everyone else an insight……

Yes i know. Many on the left support palestine and are completely ignoring the atrocity that was just committed by Hamas.

The people protesting in the street that you referenced are not necessarily the left. If they are at all.

So now you concede it’s “. . . not necessarily the left.”

I was referencing the Arabs from your own OP. They are not necessarily the left.

That many on the left support Palestine does not mean that all the demonstrators are the left. Neither you nor Mr. @Zippy know

And so you have indeed conceded.

From the recently posted article:

A coalition of 34 Harvard student organizations issued a statement saying they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” The Democratic Socialists of America promoted a pro-Palestinian rally in New York where attendees reportedly chanted “resistance is justified when people are occupied.” One was shown displaying a swastika. A Twitter account apparently belonging to Black Lives Matter Chicago posted an image of a paraglider with a Palestinian flag on X, appearing to celebrate the Hamas terrorists who descended to slaughter hundreds of Israelis at a music festival.

Sure, seems to be “the left” [the organizations mentioned] as the term is commonly used.

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