What happens when our government invites millions of foreign nationals from barbaric countries into ours?

This is what happens:

Also see:

Make no mistake. The Democrat Leadership, and that includes Obama and Biden, have intentionally filled our country with hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who not only reject our culture, but want it destroyed. And now we are seeing the results of the Democrat Leadership’s open border policy, just as Germany, France and other countries have who have made the mistake and invited these barbarians and their teenaged children into their country.

These foreign “student” protestors who are here on visas, need to be immediately rounded up and deported back to their ■■■■■■■■ countries!


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries.


Terrorism is cool again.


Can someone provide a list of “barbaric” counties? Thanks!

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Unfortunately, anyone who has been following the effects of mass immigration in other countries, and particularly so with regard to Muslim mass immigration, knew this kind of crap would start in our country. And there were those who warned it would happen during the Obama Administration who opened the floodgates to mass Muslim immigration.

In any event, here is some of the history of allowing mass-Muslim immigration:

Here is a video from ten years ago showing how Muslim immigrants thanked Italy for being inviting into the country:

And here is a video from eight years ago showing how Muslims have repaid Germany for opening its arms to hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants.

And let us not forget the following video, from fourteen years ago, showing how Muslim immigrants thanked the people of Athens Greece for inviting them into their country

Seems quite clear whenever mass immigration is allowed from Muslim countries, protests, riots and mayhem follows shortly thereafter. The writing was on the wall, and the Democrat Party Leadership was well aware of the fact.

Seems that Trump was spot on with his 2017 travel ban.



The Democrat Party Leadership is not content with having turned NYC into a rat, garbage and crime infested ■■■■■■■■■ It has now saw fit to include in its infestation tens of thousands of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and terrorist illegal entrant foreign nationals.

“Give us a free place to stay, or ELSE!”


  1. “Palestine”
  2. Venezuela
  3. Somalia
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Yemen
  6. Iran
  7. Iraq
  8. North Korea
  9. China
  10. Syria
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Thanks. But a list would be nice.

I really have to wonder if this insanity around the world is intentional and if so, what is the intent? Why would politicians do this to their country and their citizens?

The opposite side of this same insane coin is the FACT…that when these foreign nationals leave their home country, it’s due to the violence and wars that exist there. They then come to their new host country and do not assimilate but set up a smaller version of what they left behind. Then…it’s only a matter of time before it all begins again.

Now consider the citizens of the new host country…what are they supposed to do? IMO…one huge difference between the US and countries around the world…is the 2nd Amendment.


any country that has a death penalty is barbaric to some degree.

state sanctioned homicide

the united states is pretty civil save for that.


good thing we have the second

enemy terrorists come in many guises

Well, if that is what would float your boat, my dear friend, get busy and compile your “list”. I am satisfied with the information and explanations set forth in the above mentioned article.


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal and terrorists, of other countries.

And yet somehow they didn’t riot in bay ridge.

Things got heated but that’s where it stopped.

Arabs have been living in bay ridge for decades.

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IMO Obama is a muslim and that is why he loved bringing them here.

The Syrian “refugees” for example.

Pretty much all 3rd worlders.

The entire Middle East sans Israel
Latin America
And in the US cities


Just a starter list

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“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - Joseph Story


First amendment is apparently only for those whom you support



To the contrary my friend. Our First Amendment wisely provides the opportunity for domestic enemies to freely expose themselves for the traitors and evil doers they are. And, as each day passes, we are witnessing that the United States has been flooded with hundreds of thousands of operatives who despise Western Culture and the allowance for a Jewish State to exist.


“Under today’s authoritarian democrat party leadership, our government doesn’t help to fix the nation’s problems. It fixes the people, like Trump, who dare to point to the nation’s problems.”

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How does their opinion on Israel make them enemies?

You forgot your microphone.

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Any protest of any significant size has pretty good odds of ending up with some arrests. From a crowd of hundreds, having 19 arrests is not significant.

IMHO As long as a protest is peaceful and held lawfully people can pretty much protest anything they want.

The Hamas terrorist attack was barbaric and horrific that they focused on innocents. Everything happening right now is down to their decision to attack Israel in this way. But I still hate the fact that so much more innocents will suffer.