What happened to the old forum?

I was told it would be read-only but still online until May 28. I want to archive posts and messages. Now it redirects me to this board.


Can I get an answer?

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Yeah, there were some images that I wanted to save. Should have done it sooner, but was going by what I’d been told. :frowning:

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The notice said it might be read only. Powers that be determined to do it this way.

Are those powers still able to access it?


No clue. That would be the smart guys in New York that run everything :smiley:

As I remember Talk2Bill’s words in the updated notice (the last notice we were given) posted at the top of the Polics page, it was a lot more definite than “might be.” We were given assurances that it would be read only through the end of May. Of course we were also assured that we would not be able to post after the 14th, and we all know how that turned out. :wink:

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Ah, so you are just dumb enough to join the rest of us. Cool, guess we lucked out. :wink:

What the hell?

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Hey stranger.

I think I can post now… 15+ years here and they got me on probation. Lol!

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No worries, one of these nerds will get you full access. lol


Hope all is well on your end of the net!

I did that 2 hours ago. Welcome back @DeathStar

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Haven’t seen you in coon ages.

Oh wait…can I say that?


Let the Darth Wars commence


OCP forever!

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