What exactly is this stimulus check?

If they have a green card they have an ssn, at least they are supposed to.

Bingo. :+1:

There is an problem with that. If people aren’t making their payments to these companies, then the companies can’t pay their employees or their own creditors and that can potentially cause a snowball effect.

I agree with you in principal. In practice though it would likely create an even greater burden to get the economy back on track when this pandemic subsides. I think where a company is in the financial situation to defer debtors debt, I would hope they would be willing to do that. But to tell entire industries to cease income collection I don’t think would fare well. We’ve already seen what happens to businesses that have been told to stop their actual business.

Yes they can, they’ve all been covered in the rescue package.

It’s not a headline, it was in their article.

Although it includes illegals, there are also green card folks and others - who of course shouldn’t get any money either

I thought they got a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) instead of an SS number. I know at one point that’s how it was.

The TIN is going almost exclusively to illegals that didn’t get forged documents.

Those who are working legally are supposed to have an SSN unless something has changed since the last time I did a payroll.

I’d like to see a link to those here illegally getting a number that allows them to work. If that were the case, they wouldn’t need forged documents, just get a TIN and start working.

The way I understood it is those that were here to work LEGALLY, or in the process of becoming legal were given a TIN. Only citizens could get a social security number.

That’s what those not using forged documents use.


Stimulus money will apparently arrive in people’s bank accounts next Wednesday - assuming they used direct deposit for 2017 or 2018 income tax returns.

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