What exactly is establishing a religion?

That is correct, they can cherry pick their students. Hence one reason for inflated achievement scores. Of course you would expect higher scores when they get to pick the students.

In addition private school students can be expelled for any reason (other than discriminatory reasons covered under law). You have special needs? Nope sorry. Your behavior is a problems? Nope you are out of here. Your scores aren’t up to snuff? Back to public school your you.

Not trying to get personal. But what state are you from?

I’d like to take a look at your State Constitution and determine if your State mandates a public education system.

Thanks you in advance.

No it doesn’t.

Why not?

I am not against a voucher system also.

I think that it can work it some places under certain circumstances, but I don’t see it as a panacea for solving the disparity in the education system across the nation.

Well, that’s wrong. But Roe was a fabulous fabrication.

As much as I prefer its results, Sneaky makes a valid point. Substantive due process is a legal fiction.

It’s run a crazy course, first being the preferred tool for conservatives jurisprudence in the early 1900s, but was flipped in the 1960s. It’s been quite a ride.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah, can’t stick it to the parents twice anymore.

As I already said, it now would not be practical or possible to completely separate the government from education. But educating kids is not a Constitutional requirement of government. Parents and society have long given over control of their children to government, in one way or another. I don’t see an uprising to take it back. Would we be better off if government had not taken over education? Yup.

How can you justify public education systems like in Baltimore where literally every student failed to meet standards in math and reading? How do kids graduate without being able to read and write? These are rhetorical questions… Forcing parents to pay for failing schools when perhaps a private Christian school might be better for their kids, on the grounds it somehow amounts to an establishment of religion is nonsense. 152 posts in and still No one has said otherwise. :thinking:

It does not in any way establish a religion. It is a made up rule used to deny parents the right to control their child’s education.

If schools are locally funded and controlled, why is the SCOTUS ruling on them?

What would the country look like if there weren’t public schools?

Medieval Europe with castles and serfs.

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No it wouldn’t. It would look just like it does now, only smarter.

You want to know what establishment of religion looks like?

School official-led prayer in public schools, even if the prayer is denominationally neutral and students may remain silent or be excused from the classroom during its recitation.

That’s the way the world works. If I don’t like my in-plan doctor, I can pay extra to see a different doctor. I don’t expect other citizens to pay for my choice.

If you don’t like your in-plan public school, you can pay extra to go to a private school.

This dang Protestant attends a church with its own school and I know there are profit dollars coming from the school and going back into the church. The ones that have learned about long term visas for education know to bring in even more money.

Of course making money off the school might be a dang Protestant thing.

When schools became public the literacy rate dropped.

I would love to see a link backing that up.

Except for the 6th grade and 9th grade in Florida. They talk about the impact of Christianity on the Roman Empire, Christianity’s growth in Ethiopia, and the impact Constantine the Great had on the spread of Christianity.

Equal protection (14th amendment) applies to EVERYONE in the United States…