What Exactly Is a “Safe Space”?

What exactly are students supposed to do in them? Just toured a vocational/technical school my daughter had interest, & it seemed every other room was designated a “safe space”.

They have a support dog, play doh, finger painting, ball pits like McDonald’s and plushie toys in the room to calm down. Some of the nicer ones have a counselor for the added help with de-triggering which sometimes involves practicing cookie breathing.

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What was the school? Maybe their website explains the purpose of those rooms.

I tried to address this some time ago on the old forums in a thread about snowflakes, but even though I made it clear that people who went onto forums where they would talk with those who opposed them weren’t snowflakes (who tend to seek safe spaces) many on the Left took a dislike to the thread as if I was attacking them.

But as for safe spaces themselves, I like this explanation too…


Too bad you had no guide or anything to ask this of.

Here is a definition of safe space. I hadn’t realized such behaviors as harassment were permissible outside these rooms.

That isn’t covered by anti bullying policies? And since when can’t a group reserve a room to discuss their interests or problems?

Nope, just checked it.

They provide an excellent curriculum and some useful certification programs, as well as teaching in trades that need more skilled professionals, like HVAC & plumbing, but didn’t see safe spaces on their site.

Huh. I always thought a safe space was a secure room you could retreat to if bad guys invaded your home. Silly me.