From day one of Xiden’s taking office, i identified 46 as one whose allegiance is to the CCP over the US. I suggested that the GOP should be hammering this home with every reference to Xiden, pointing out daily the evidence for this by highlighting every China-pandering US-betraying action taken by the manchurian as relentlessly as the Democrats painted Trump as a Russian lackey. Had they done this, more Americans would by now be seeing the true import of Xiden’s actions.
The Democrats have no compunctions about doing that to the Republicans 24/7.
Unfortunately, there are a number of Republican reps like Mitch McConnell who are also selling out the US for Chinese funding and are unwilling to have Republicans target old Scranton Joe for the same.
I invite forum members to assemble here evidences that 46 is beholden to China and is running a CCP agenda on the nation.
"What are the 4 steps of a communist takeover?
What many of you do not see, is the second “chain” of events which I graphically represent in the following chart (see page 22) of the FOUR STAGES OF SUBVERSION:
Demoralisation of border controllers, destabilisation of communities using a flood of illegal immigrants, creating a crisis supposedly too big to undo and heading towards normalising open borders and the presence of millions of illegals in the nation.
Telegraphing future intentions to force Americans into buying electric vehicles so China can sell more batteries and solar panels. 10% for the big guy?
Culling the military of conservatives and demoralising the military by needlessly surrendering munitions to ISIS in Afganistan to weaken the US militarily relative to China.
Allowing the sale to CCP-beholdened companies of American land around sensitive military sites weakens the US and strengthens China. Selling food producing land to Chinese interests does likewise.
Perhaps the most obvious direct ties to the government of China is that Biden left General Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs for over two years even after it was revealed that he had secretly communicated US military plans to China’s leaders and told the military to ignore direct orders from the president.
There is a long history of corrupt dealings between the Bidens and China, and the direct ties between Joe Biden and the payments are becoming clear:
“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” the message read. “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
Hunter has even referred to access to his father as “the keys” to “my family’s only asset.”