What does a responsible administration do?

As opposed to the prior administration that had prior warning and did nothing to stop it.

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Great. That’s what I expect as well. He’s clearly working hard on the second part. I’m not aware of anything he’s done to counter Russia’s efforts. Are you?

I’m sure you’re familiar with the gist of this story:

Obama did take steps. Whether they were appropriately aggressive enough is a matter of opinion. That Trump worked to reverse those steps is not.

I do not expect him, unlike leakers, to publish what he does in the headlines of CNN. Classified information is sometimes best left classified.


I agree. Congress or their staff should not be leaking classified information to the press. Settled.

For me and millions of other citizens of this country, the even bigger issue is: “Russia is still working to interfere in our elections? What is the Administration doing to stop it?”

Because I don’t hear anything that sounds like “We’re on it.” It sounds a lot more like “We don’t want the American public to know anything about it.”


Well, back to the point…what interference? The leakers really didn’t say, did they? If we are talking about twittering misinformation, then fine, work with twitter to determine if there is a way to identify any twits coming from organized foreign units and identify them as such. Besides that , I’m not really too concerned. I basically consider any twitter “information” to be useless until verifiable and any twitter person to be an idiot or liar until proven otherwise. In fact, I see a certain amount of risk in having the government “protect” me from what they consider misinformation.


“Harmless tweets that don’t change voters’ minds” is the “so what?” reasoning used to ignore Russian meddling. I’m more concerned with the increased funneling of illegal campaign contributions (on both sides)

In late July or August? They don’t know?

To paraphrase Simon and Garfunkel, “Libs see what the want to see and disregard the rest…”

Didn’t Democrats hire the Ukrainian company Crowdstrike to protect them or coverup what the hell they were doing?

The only way to stop some entity (Russia or otherwise) from posting stuff on the internet is for the government completely to take over internet content.

Misinformation? Should some government entity be the arbiter of truth? Would CNN go for that?

And, for the record, a government making clear its preference for a political outcome in another country is not “interference”.

I believe every major nation “interferes” to one extent or another in each other’s election. It’s nothing new. It will never stop.

We do it too.


And yet … free speech.

“That NBC News hears about the contents of this classified conversation due to an inappropriate leak is a news story.”

In Dec months later after ■■■■ hit the fan when corrupt FBI where covering up their asses.

Keep in mind the investigation/setting up Trump started months before July, back around late March if not sooner.

Someone posted this silly source earlier in another thread.

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so Congress shouldn’t be briefed on serious topics?

Fake News
Lib mob media source

As everyone knows Donald is the champion of ferreting out corruption. Donald asked Putin and Putin said “very strongly” that Russia didn’t meddle. CASE CLOSED! Any attempt to bring this up after Donald’s question was answered is just lib subversiveness and part of a seditious coup.

Should Trump call the Ukrainian company Crowdstrike for help or let our Intelligence community handle it?

Tons of that “so-called” unnamed sources were coming out back then.

Crowdstrike is an American company.

No they are not!