What are chances that ironically it is the IRS and pandemic checks that ultimately propels Trump gaining re-election?

On all cases of “proven” Russia collusion.
Hey…good for a goose …and all that jazz.
Same criteria should be applied here.

It’s easier to start the grieving process if one accepts Trump lost.

Mare fact Ds are fighting tooth and nail against voter ID is proof enough.

And the evidence is a couple of dudes from “Veterans For Trump” driving from VA to PA in a Hummer with QAnon stickers on it.


This is the new Birtherism. This is how the fringe of the GOP and the Right WIng entertainmentsphere delelgitimizes a Biden win to their audience.

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This is laughable…joe biden has tried three times to be president. He’s not just gonna walk away.

He’ll be locked up in a loft or attic somewhere and handed a plate of food once a day.

Way back in 2016 and 2017 I was thinking Trump would get his second term. Following the 2018 election I was more reserved about his chances. Over the last year or so I was beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Bargaining stage.

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Of course he is. Meanwhile…



I’m not saying he will simply cede his Presidency to Kamala Harris. I’ve been saying all along that Biden is mentally challenged. That is obvious to even the most casual observer. Over time he will become less able to govern. His handlers will keep him out of sight whenever possible. Behind the scenes the Kamala Harris faction will be pulling the strings.

Please don’t stop!


What exactly do you dispute??? :confused:

I’m asking you to please don’t stop being willing to be fine with life going on. The Harris claim is just a bizarre talking point that people on your side had adopted for some reason.

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[quote=“enki, post:16, topic:236792”]

A “concern” should not be ruled out…

Do you honestly believe Biden is all there? In regards to being fine with life going on, what choice does the average person have? Really?

To what end, other than forum discussion? Nothing will ever come of it and it will have zero impact on the election outcome.

Your timeline is off. Last year you were still holding on to a Trump reelection…


Sounds kind of reserved to me! :wink:

Sure. Whatever.

Show me a post I made over the last year or so where I categorically predicted Trump would easily win reelection and I will concede your point.