Welcome our newest Moderator SixFoot

A moderator is someone who has the power to delete posts or ban users because of what they say.

SixFoot was not given this power.

He’s supposed to do stuff on the technical level.

Therefore he is not a Moderator, he is a Tech Guy.

If the correct title had been given him in the first place, there would have been a lot less outrage by people who feel they don’t get a fair shake here to air their views and discuss it with those who think differently.


I thought you liked it rough. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seven “likes”. You have a fan club. :wink:


I’m sure if he comes across account that been banned I’m sure he will take necessary action.

Hey look…he’s doesn’t want to ban libs…we need em here. Who else are we going to kick around?

But having said that we do have problem posters that keep coming back…and not only lib either. :wink:


A moderator is whatever the boss says it is. Check the OP.

Seems like some people have a problem with organizational skills of the management.

Yes, but he’s already had a positive assist. :wink:

How many national elections have taken place since this site was created?

Don’t be disrespecting the Mods now …


It was created in 1970’s, yes? That’s how old plsd2mechu’s account was on the old site.

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That’s what Safe Haven is for. It’s particularly safe now, since virtually nobody goes there anymore.

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And whatever you guys do…don’t make him put his bong down.

Other then that…you guys have nothing to worry about.

And don’t try bribing him with bag o…oh never mind.



No. A moderator is a moderator.

A tech guy is a tech guy.

Six Foot is doing tech guy stuff.

If a boss doesn’t understand the difference between a moderator and a tech guy, that’s not a good enough reason to change the meaning of the word moderator.

Careful he doesn’t give you a suspension just to prove you wrong. :wink:

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Most of the stuff he’ll be doing working on requires mod level on the board

Words change all the time. “Gay” used to mean an old fashioned Christmas. Welcome to The Living TOS.

The whole boards gone to pot.

I’m pming gdoane.

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No need to rationalize it, the decision has been made and accepted.

Moaning ceased. Welcome, Sixfoot, and thanks for helping out.