Wealthy Republicans Lose Faith In Trump

Millionaires at the political feed are not the Trump base. For one thing, they love cheap illegal labor and cheap imports. Its not surprising they would shop elsewhere.
He doesn’t need their money, which is why only a very wealthy person could do what he has done.
This is the elite of the Republican (or Democratic) party that he ran against.

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There are some here who still think this is a Republican vs Democrat era. Trump took us past that.

That’s an interesting set of opinions.

Well no, he has the laundered money from Russian Oligarchy passed on through Deutsche Bank. But you go ahead and pretend that’s not real.

Can you expand on this thought? At least to the point of coherence?

I didn’t post that.

And yet the story clearly sites an incident where the vast majority of business leaders disagree with Trump and the Chinese about whether or not he should intervene in a legal matter just to help trade.

But they probably don’t have any international business partners in the country with the 2nd largest economy.

He wasn’t a " low-level envoy". He was literally the guy in charge of coordinating the effort to defeat ISIS. Which Trump claimed he has done. Without checking in with the person who would know the most about the current status of that effort. Or bothering to learn his name.

But sure, Trump is all about informed decision-making.

My bad. That was a DougBH quote that I could not, for the life of me, parse out.

Look, I apologize for not taking more time to tutor those here that seem confused. But… OK…

You seem to imply that our combat and support in Syria is an end itself. Recall that "war is a mere continuation of policy with other means” or “by other means” is that strikes your fancy. ( Clausewitz) Point is… the envoy was not part of the bigger picture of establishing policy and international diplomacy. His job was running the store. But Trump decided we did not want to be in that business at all. Of course the “store manager” was going to object. But he is not part of the bigger picture. He is simply out of a job.

The reason why Cali has a balanced budget.


But, if Trump had come out and said, ‘‘I’m putting anotner 3000 troops into xxxxx because…’’ you’d be all behind it because that’s just what you do. So stop kidding yourself, because we’re not.

No, that’s what you INFERRED. I IMPLIED that the POTUS made a major policy decision, with literal life-and-death consequences, without consulting any of the key stakeholders in the Pentagon, the Congress, or his Administration. I base that assertion on the fact that almost every interview I’ve seen or read with any of those stakeholders expressed not only strong disagreement, but complete surprise. I INFER, therefore, that he pulled the decision out of his ass, on a whim. Maybe as a much-needed distraction from a resoundingly bad news cycle. Maybe as a sop to Erdogan, in the hopes he will let the Khasoggi matter rest. Maybe because it was Thursday.

Maybe you’re right. Maybe it was a well-reasoned, deliberate decision. But I can’t recall so many similar incidents, in Democratic or Republican administrations, where people supposedly involved in the matter have made it clear they were completely blindsided by the President. Maybe you can tutor me about how this happens all the time?


You don’t even know who the stakeholders are dude.

SecDef? Senate Foreign Relations committee members? The special envoy to the coalition to fight ISIS? You know, stakeholders, dude.

So which of those have all the the resources of the executive branch of government? Which one is responsible for deciding if we should even be in Syria?

None of them. They play bit roles compared to the president.

Not at all.

Trump is an idiot and can’t even do what his masters want him to do.

I agree with your inference.

My view is that Trump seems prone to making knee-jerk, emotional decisions, without taking the time to confer with the advisers whose job it is to advise him.

I think that he behaves in this way because he is a terrible president, and a lot of people appear to agree with me.


About 40% of wealthy Republicans now agree with you. If not in every detail of your characterization, at least in your conclusion.

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There’s just no way around this: why are you being willfully obtuse?

My concern (and the concern, it seems, of a majority of the Congress, the Defense Department, and much of the nation) is not that it isn’t his decision to make. It’s that he made it without input from the people who know a DAMN sight more about it than he does. Unless you think that viewing Fox and Friends comprises an adequate daily briefing.

And… your problem suddenly becomes clear.

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