We’re All Equal, But Some of Us Are More Equal Than Others

Two weeks ago I paid for the soldier’s breakfast behind me in the drive thru. Why? Because I’m thankful for what they do.

This week some lady two cars in front of me paid for my breakfast because she saw the ■■■■■■■ in the vehicle ahead of me cut me off to get in the drive through.

Everyone does what they do for their own reasons. The world needs more people who think of others rather than just themselves.

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Everyone from announcer on supermarket to radio advertising is repeating nonsense “feel good” messages like “We’re all in this together.” :face_vomiting:

Well, with some of us still able to work to feed our families and, as referenced above, the staggering numbers of others waiting for an Unemployment check, no, we’re not. So those pretty much forced into unemployment get an additional slap in the face seeing those still employed & benefitted offered a freebie.

As I’ve said, it’s up to private enterprise to offer whatever they want to whomever they want. It’s up to those offered to accept or reject.