We just want people to come in the right way... lol

From you, anyway. True, I do. Because it’s true. I don’t expect you to like it.

Nah, everyone can see your posting habits. Little content. Lots of deflection. Tons of nit picking. Sticking your nose in other conversations to detract from the point.

Exactly like you did here.

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Its ok not to know. Tjats why we are here

lol - Translation: “Wait! That’s legal? Oh, well then we need to make that ■■■■ illegal right now!”

I mean… What the ■■■■ does this thing think it is? A human being with a mind of it’s own that just thinks it can try to choose what part of my planet it wants to live on?

■■■■ that ■■■■■■ I was born with American Blood and this part of the planet is mine dammit! The rest of the peasants in the world need to stay the ■■■■ out unless they will be killed everywhere else or they can come in here and keep me living in the style to which I am entitled to by birth and have grown accustomed too.

lol - Can you imagine the gall of that thing? Thinking he can just try to live in my part of the world. I say we lock him up as an example to others. Did he bring any children we can pull away from him for a little extra pain?


There is almost nothing in Trump’s platform, behavior, or political choices that doesn’t try to maximize cruelty against the other—and by “the other,” I mean people of different social standing, wealth level, and skin color of Trump.

Trump’s platform is even designed to hurt most of his own supporters. But they don’t seem to mind.


Hey, if you want a taste of what open border living is like, I’d suggest giving Bangladesh a try. I’ll pass.

No clue what Bangladesh has to do with any discussion I’ve ever read on this forum, but that must have felt fun to type.

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I am curious to know if your “cry me a river” also extends to the Native Americans who were killed by the invaders back in the 1600 and 1700’s?

The same outrage expressed about migrants trying to come from the South was also expressed when large groups of Irish came to America, as well as the large groups of Italians who came to America. Folks claimed increases in crime, the failure to assimilate to American customs, speaking English, etc. Many of those immigrants who came here were ostracized, harassed.

The gall of these creatures… Thinking the planet is for all of us.

That’s the spirit!

We can tell.

Takes a special filter to see it that way.

When mimicking a Trump supporter, one should speak the language. Thanks for the thumbs up!

When we have hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens streaming across our border every month, you think it’s impossible for mistakes to happen? Do you think every person in our immigration law enforcement community is “an expert on gang symbology?”

ICE officer and personnel are not perfect.

Seems that you believe that One was perfection in all things, and he left office in Jan 2017, taking all the perfect ICE agents and immigration personnel with him?


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That’s how laws are changed.

And how you get to keep claiming you just want people to come in legally. lol

I believe that you believe that.

Just to clarify, if a person is truly fleeing for their safety, they will take refuge in the first place available, all things being equal. But things are not equal are they? And what is NOT equal about the United States and say, Mexico, Equador, any number of European nations, or for that matter any other country in the world? You know the answer to this one… :thinking::thinking::thinking: Stop pretending this asylum seekers and illegal aliens issue is about compassion. It isn’t. They know it, conservatives know it and so do you. It just makes you feel better to live in denial…