We have waaaaay too many climate change crybabies

What is a climate change crybaby? Somebody who constantly whines about climate change but refuses to do anything about it. Why won’t they do anything to help? Why don’t these people turn their A/Cs off? Most of human existence was A/C free. It is not a necessity. Why are they still drying their clothes with coal power instead of hanging their laundry out to dry? Where are their rain barrels? Their solar powered houses? Why are they still jumping on planes and flying to Cancun for vacation? If the very planet is at stake, how can they stand by and do nothing? They act as if their hands are tied unless the government forces them to act. Poppycock! And they are shaming the wrong people. Why waste time shaming climate deniers who they will never convince? Shame the millions of climate crybabies who refuse to do ANYTHING.

Until these people are willing to act, stop crying about what other people do. Quit crying and get moving!


I saw some N.J officials talking about Ida. Of course they had to whine a little about “climate change” in the midst of patting each other on the back for the great job they did with their response.

My first thought was " then turn you damned A/C off you freaking hypocrite."


Stop buying Chinese made goods that are polluting the world and insist that they’re made here in a pollution minimized method and then gladly pay the higher price. You know…put your money where your mouth is?


Ted Cruz is a climate change crybaby?


You speaketh with forked tongue…Again. Got any clips of Ted bitching about climate change?

I’ll wait.

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We’ve got a lot of crybabies in general, climate change variety and otherwise.

Generally known as snowflakes.

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That’s not how wokies work. They like to put other people’s money where their mouth is. They cannot do a thing without authoritarian government. Kinda like a baby without it’s momma.


Do you have an example of liberals in Cancun that are complaining about climate change. Or is your forked tongue talk simply another projection?

They usually complain here. Before they go on vacation. I wouldn’t know what they do there. Never said I did. And yes, there are literally millions of examples of them crying… Do you want me to find them for you or do you want to put on your big boy pants and actually do some of your own research?

Lol look at you trying to hand wave away a decade of personally denying climate change existed and then later that man didn’t cause it.


Crying about crybabies is classic

Whining about climate change while doing nothing to stem it is even more classic.


Do you think the climate change crybabies should turn off their A/C’s to save the planet?


Whining about crybabies but doing nothing about it is the MOST classic.

Do you think the climate change crybabies should turn off their A/C’s to save the planet?


They should just do whatever makes YOU happy.

When did you start believing in manmade climate change?


Maybe some people hold off on turning on the A/C unless its really hot instead of kind of hot. Maybe they get electricity from a cleaner source like hydro, nuclear, or wind and therefore they are reliant on a coal powered plant (and in this area you can’t throw a rock without hitting a solar panel). Maybe they take an airplane to Cancun because there’s no high-speed rail to Cancun? Maybe they travel less then they need to because they are trying to find a balance between the pleasures of life and being environmentally conscious.

Maybe a lot of these issues need to be fixed at the source and a handful of individuals can’t make a difference? A/C makers making A/C’s that don’t leak pollutants. Closing coal power plants and opening nuclear ones.


That’s a dodge. And a very poor one at that. A desperate reply from someone who knows the libs have just been called out for their bull ■■■■ I don’t demand anything from anybody. That said, as soon as my wash cycle completes, my laundry is going outside on the rack to dry. Now man up and answer the question.

Do you think the climate change crybabies should turn off their A/C’s to save the planet?

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It’s not a handful.

There are hundreds of millions of climate changers not doing much to reduce their carbon output. Do something first before you cry about other people. Fair enough?

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