Way too early 2030 EV distribution forecast

In this model, Republicans are likely to net 12 additional EVs through population growth changes after 2030 census.

The 'rats are jumping ship. :wink:

If the electoral college was set up to ensure the election would not be decided by a handful of states how come we now rely on a handful oc swing states to decide the election? Is that not just the same problem?

I agree. If no EC, then candidates would have to campaign for every vote and not just shuttle between same seven states over and over again.

I mean doesn’t it get old seeing candidates keep going from PA… to GA…to MI, WI, AZ…etc over and over again ?

To the ever-so-popular rebuttal “We need EC because we don’t want CA and NY to control the entire country!” - CA and NY make up about 18% of us population combined.

You’re looking at that all wrong. Swing states change. Remember just a few short years ago the election was always decided between Ohio and Florida?

Remember before that how Missouri was the state to look at with regards to betting on who would win the White House?

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I was still under the age of 20 when Florida was last a true swing state. That place is solid red with some aberrations these days.

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True but why are they even a thing to begin with? Is there not a better system?

I am not a EC expert and freely admit o need to educate myself more on it.

Depends on how you look at the United States really. If you look at it as a federation of about 11 different nation states with a common federal government, then the EC makes perfect sense even if we further break it down into 50 states. It keeps power from being divested to the mob and arguably keeps one cultural center from overly dominating that one office.

If you see the US as a single nation state like France, then its pretty flawed from that standpoint.

Going by how quick it got called this time around, it’s pretty solid red. But that’s in stark contrast to what we normally see. Who can forget 2000? Clinton won it on his second term. Obama won it twice, and how can we forget 2016. That took all night to call.

It’s not a “thing” really, it has to do with the attitudes of each state and which ones just happen to have the remaining points needed to win. People move too (sometimes they flee en masse from crazy ass leftist ■■■■ holes). Generations grow up with their own ideas and the spread of the vote changes.

This country isn’t a monolith, and it’s not static. Never has been.