Waters: Deutsche Bank providing Trump financial records for House probe

Birthers anonymous


A former “presence” in GOP politics, now occupying the shadowing corners of GOP politics and ready to pounce on fiscal irresponsibility*.

*fiscal irresponsibility defined as any democrat who spends money but not “conservatives” who are only protectin freedom and old glory…

Nope. Oversight of what? Two years of “oversight” led to liberal tears. We don’t want to see y’all broken hearted again. And who is watching the watchers?

Nothing secret about our meetings. Anyone who wants to join is welcome. Are you just mad because you all thought that you had killed the tea party off?
We get a lot done on the local, state and on the federal level. And now we don’t have to put up with the leftist and leftist news media calling us names and making us out to be something we are not any more.
You all thought you shut us up. But we just kept on going. Our group was started before Obama was even elected and we are still going strong today.
Why do we need you to notice us when we can get the changes we want and not have to put up with all the crap the left spews.

Well… that’s a strategy, I guess.

Anybody else hear any liberal tears? Cuz the only thing I’ve heard for days is the sound of snowflakes loudly demanding apologies.

Not gonna happen, kids.

:joy: :joy:

I think that would call for impeachment and a conviction by the Senate. Then a trial and prison.


The notion that it is only for crimes while in office is bonkers

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I don’t believe you for one second. You’re a tried and true Trump lover. He has been a disaster on fiscal issues and is mortgaging our children and grandchildren’s futures with his reckless policies.

Let me know when the next meeting is and I’ll bring a dozen cookies for refreshments. A dozen should be enough, correct?


I don’t recall the thread on that, and if it happened well before he was elected, it shouldn’t matter until his next election.

I think with Mueller he has been fully vetted now . . . along with the FBI investigation before he was appointed.


Investigating if he colluded with Russia, you seriously don’t think Muller got hold of Trumps taxes for many years?


What were some of the one’s investigated accused of?

How do you think Muller found that on them?

Seriously, you don’t think Mueller didn’t have all Trumps financial documents?

Agreed, now lets see the results of the “vetting”… Release the report…

Media didn’t think Trump could actually win the primary, let alone the General.

All along it been ways that Trump won’t win, or ways to stop him.

You’ve seen the montague of the left wing media saying Trump can never win right?
Then once he did, then it moved on to the members of the electoral college can’t vote him in.
Then onto russian collusion investigation
then onto obstruction investigation
now onto his personal finaces over decades investigation.

Liberal will NEVER be happy until Trump is removed from office.

I disagree. We still do not know who he is financially beholden/indebted to, and since he decided not to divest from his business interests, it is imperative for the public to learn whether he is making decisions that would have a personal benefit for him, as opposed to a benefit for the nation at large.

It is a problem of his own making. I do not begrudge him for not separating himself from his business, that was his decision. But it also means we need to ensure that the President of the United States is making decisions only in the interest of the country, and not for personal gain. And he certainly has not earned the trust of the public to just blindly assume any decision he makes is an altruistic one.

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So you agree the Mueller report needs to be released to verify this assumption, right?

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Shouldn’t that apply to congress critters as well? If they are proposing legislation, and taking advantage of legislation to befefit them or the nations at large?

Who are congress critters in debt to or beholden to?

I agree that after the report has gone to the appropriate people, and appropriate agency to have sensative or information that can’t be release redacted, it should be made available. I don’t think any underlying documents or other information should be released.

My person opinion however remains the same.

Congress should be told to go pound sand, and if they want the redacted copy, have a judge see if they are entitled to it.