“You were an AG, a law enforcement officer — CFR regulations prohibit directing a subordinate to do personal work for you, and if they volunteer that’s a gift,” Udall said. “Services must be paid for at fair market value, so it doesn’t cut it that ‘they’re a friend’ or that kind of thing. Did you pay them at the time for doing that work?”
Pruitt again tried to dodge, reiterating that “all activity that I’m aware of that was engaged in by the individual you are speaking about occurred in personal time.”
“And you you pay them for it?” Udall pressed.
“No, I did not,” Pruitt replied.
“Then that’s a gift that’s in violation of federal law,” Udall concluded.
Wow…when did Udall become the judge, jury, prosecutor and defense attorney? If Pruitt has committed a crime, charge him and prosecute him. Welcome to America.
Wow…look at you attacking the person trying to expose illegal activity. No surprise though, it’s what you’ve been doing for a year and a half straight.
Dude…attacking is attempting to convict someone without due process. Look how you’re attacking me? You should be ashamed but this is how libs have been since Trump won the nomination. Oh looky, it’s that same year and a half you were just projecting.
Incredibly ironic post coming from someone who has repeatedly, and continues to, accuse DAG Rosenstein of being in a secret conspiracy to take out the President without even a hint of proof.