Watch fake news CNN anchor get shredded by Trump official

The ABC (Aust) and BBC (UK).

Do they give Obama most of the credit for taking out the J.V. team?

Since you are posting on this site it should mean you have access to both the ABC and BBC sites.

At the moment the BBC. You certainly will never find me linking to Mother Jones or other fringe sites to make a point like you a have a habit of

So you use Breitbart as a source to rail against news outlets as “fake news” and you dont even see the irony in it all. Unbelievable.


It’s even funnier when you realize that while he was calling CNN fake news in this thread he was also linking to En Volve and News Punch in another


I do not. What’s your top five fake stories from Breitbart? Do any of them come close to this massive lie?

I don’t understand why you call this picture a lie. You don’t believe Eric Garner when he said he couldn’t breathe. That’s fine. Many Americans saw an obese guy choked to death on the street by a violent cop who was later fired. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide. Garner’s family sued the police department and was awarded 6 million dollars. As far as the “hands up, don’t shoot” part of the pic, witnesses account that Brown had his hands up and did not move towards the officer. Those accounts were later dismissed as not credible. None of us were there, we don’t know if the photo is a lie or not. But to call is a lie is subjective. And also, Breitbart is the laughing stock of journalism. No one will take you seriously when you use them as a source, but I’m sure you know that by now.

Because it is. Hands up don’t shoot was a total fabrication. CNN did not question the story at all. They pre convicted Officer Wilson and did everything they could to destroy him. That was a s fake as fake news can ever get. Did you see anyone at CNN willing to give officer Wilson his due process?

OJ Simpson was also acquitted of murder. Did you see anyone at FOX or Breitbart give him due process? The point is, we weren’t there and we don’t know what the **** happened. All we have is our opinions, and you know what they say about opinions…

Awesome example! :rofl:

Exactly. I used your own logic against you. Checkmate. Too easy.

CNN finally responded to the venerable Babylon Bee

geeze don’t they get that they are a satire site?

on the plus side for airports, turns out people would pay no to have CNN on

does this surprise you?

How’s that again?


i knew eventually they’d have to respond

Who’s “they”?

well CNN of course. lol

Lol, is right.

Conservative humor.