Was Jesus born with Original Sin?

There is no such thing as “original sin”.

Probably your definition of “original sin” creates a habitual, cognitive dissonance, that blocks you from what “original sin” really means.

Expand your horizons.

The phrase, “Original Sin” creates doubt in people because when reason is used, it seems illogical. That kind of mental “Reason,” however is not the way God/Buddha “thinks.”

It takes surrendering to bash doubt permanently.

Not exactly true. “Man is made in the image of God” is very relevent in Buddhism. Different terms are used.

IMO, technically no. However, He chose to be baptized by John the Baptist anyway so that He could show the right way to receive the Holy Spirit (even though He didn’t have to).

God humbled Himself through Jesus, and Jesus humbled Himself for us, so He could relate to us.

Moses threw a stick down and it became a snake. Then God told him to pick it up.

Trust is a very good lesson in the Bible.

Jews believe that humans are born innocent, but not perfect. St. Augustine said humans are born sinful. Sinful means ‘not perfect’. Jesus taught sins (or imperfections) are forgiven.

The precise meaning of the Jewish word for sin means to go astray. Repent means to turn back.

In Christianity, Baptism is our birth into the Body of Christ, meaning that we follow Christ into obedience to God and His ways, striving not to go astray as did Adam and Eve.

Adam means ‘man’; Eve means ‘mother’. Their story is our story and will continue to be the human story.

Are we any more obedient to God today than when the story was first told? No. The story is told so that we might understand mankind–and therefore, self.

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Then you bought in to some straw man. Meh, don’t wory. It happens to the best of us

Straw man: The book of Genesis is taken literally. We all have two ancestors.
God is eternallypunishing us for the actions of our ancestors.

The actual concept: The ancient greek philosophers used wonder “Are people essentially good or evil?” Original sin is the Euro-christian answer to that question. It says

“People are essentialy evil, but not just evil in any old way, or any old set of ways. Mankind is evil in a specific sort of way. Here, Let me use this story to explain. . . Imagine God created a beautiful perfedt world and we screwed it up.”
When Genesis was originally written, it had no chapter numbers, no verse numbers, heck it did not have headings, subheadings footnotes, margin notes etc… (It also did not have paragraphs, or punctuation or even vowels. (Really!) One of my Bibles is a Walmart KJV Bible in which the publishers stripped out a LOT of what Harvard theology pPof. Karen King refers to as “paratext.” (IMO they stripped out too much, but oh well.)

That Bible (large print) is almost 2,000 pages long. The first 12 pages (exactly 12) are filled with comparatively fairytale stories of talking serpents, magic apples, worldwide floods, and crumbling towers that cause different languages. The rest while containing numerous ‘miracles’ reads much differently. It reads like a comparatively normal world filled with basically normal people. A king goes to war, yes, but he does not have a cape and his adventures do not explain why have two nostirls instead of one.

The 12-page fairytale part is a prologue.

It is like a film opening wherein a young boy, speaking in a creepy voice is counting his dolls with creepy faces. . . . fade to black . . . fade in . . . story begins.

I hope this helps.

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The challenge of sharing the middle path–the “narrow path,” is convincing people that the extremes in how the mind–spirit, and body works, and the force that binds the opposites as one all, is God./Original Buddha which inherently operates the Supreme Law of the simultaneous and linear, Cause and Effect. The is the same as God or Buddha. Body, Mind and Law.

The mind we all have is the seat of God/Buddha.

Creation is really the natural Law. The 1st link of causation is “Ignorance”—it creates body and mind. it’s like a babies awareness waking up and having desires. everything happens according to the mind–reality is materialized.

It’s been like this in Samsara, since time without beginning. Faith is the key that opens the door to real Happiness.

Plenty of people take it literally, some on this forum even.

It does. You’re halfway to understanding.

All sin is disobedience to God. Adam and Mary were sinless until they disobeyed God and ate from the tree. Every sin since has been man’s inability to be unfailingly obedient to God. Jesus was obedient to God the Father in all things, at all times.

Genesis might be compared to fairy tales–but to take them as such do our ancestors a great disservice, both for their incredible way of weaving truths into memorable, picturesque accounts and to their intelligence. I can even imagine one of them commenting, “No matter how much we dumb it down, they still won’t get it.”

Yes, Genesis contains many “Just So” stories (stories that explain how/why things came to be). The deeper, starker truths are buried within, but still plain to see.

When one expands Genesis from single characters into tribes of mankind, even greater truths emerge. Dig into cultures and languages and one begins to reread Genesis with awe. We come from a great (however imperfect) people.

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Aristotle had written that the Jews came from India. There is a lot of specialized evidence of this.

Here is basic article that discusses this. It is applicable to the “original sin” meaning.

Well… That would be Eve, of course.

No, Eve was just first, but Adam also disobeyed God and ate from the tree. All sin is equal in the eyes of God.

I think He meant It was Eve not Mary as you wrote.

Ah, it was late at night.

I was just snarking at your mis-type: “Adam and Mary ate from the tree”. I know you meant Adam and Eve.

:grinning:I really shouldn’t type when I am half asleep.