Was Hunter's stash just discovered in the West Wing?

I didn’t see anything about a bag. Did you?

as is everything with these scumbags and their idiotic brain damaged lapdog press-tards.

i really honestly dont give a ■■■■ whose it is.

it’s all one continuous runaway ■■■■ show


Irrelevant. Not stopping cons from jumping to the only conclusion they care about. Bidens…bad…bad…bad.

Hey the list of suspects is large.

After all, it is the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier Show.

Low hanging fruit now.


Willie Nelson got weed in there. Smoked it on the roof.

Willie Nelson… famous country Western star… Might qualify as a special visitor.

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ooh i know nothing’s ever “relevant” when a democrat occupies the WH

Maybe it was a progressive teacher leading a school class whom Obama sent to plant it in a public space to hijack the news cycle with a false flag story like dungeons in that pizza parlor basement.

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I assumed a bag too. Maybe it was a little vial instead?

Will the cameras suddenly not work?


You know it. Evil; operates without cameras…just like the Mar A Largo Watergate raid.

Trump lawyers NEVER should have turned them off.

This was discovered by a scanner on a public frequency.

The Post reported that at 8:49 p.m. ET, a firefighter with the D.C. Fire Department hazmat team radioed in the results of a test, saying, “We have a yellow bar saying cocaine hydrochloride.”

That dispatch, which was also reviewed by Breitbart News, came about an hour after the hazmat crew arrived at the White House, according to photos taken by an independent journalist.

That is why we know. Otherwise this gets buried.

So since you brought it up…here’s the very first article on page ! and this story is NOT. Keep on regurgibleating. You do make me laugh and for that…I thank you. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:
Trump’s dominance has America bracing for a toxic campaign

Not quite…it’s simply applying the laws of probability based on history my friend. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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So instead of saying “hey I was wrong, it’s being reported” you move the goalpost. Sad.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a clown can’t keep up with his own circus ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I think it’s weird that either a bag or a vial was just ‘found’. What- on a coffee table?

Good for you for admitting you were wrong. That wasn’t so hard was it.

“Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said that the substance had been found in a “work area of the West Wing” and that another dispatch that said the substance had been found in a White House library was incorrect.” https://archive.ph/dGaPM