Warms My Heart - Two Times!

60% of voters, eh?

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So 40% of them are idiots.


ā€œNever underestimate the stupidity of the voter.ā€ - Wise Old Man


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Ah, there we go! Nice.


I am an irresponsible ass. I canā€™t keep up with my phone, wallet, glasses or car keys. Although Iā€™m proficient with a weapon, Iā€™ve always concluded that the danger I pose to an innocent child due to my irresponsible behavior if I carried a gun, exceeds the probability Iā€™ll need a gun for protection. Around 3 decades ago, I told this to the wife. The other day, I told her that the world has declined and now the probability Iā€™ll need a gun, exceeds the probability a child will get hurt due to my carelessness. Iā€™ll start carrying beginning next year and Iā€™m sorry this time has arrived.

Just make it a part of you. You need to feel something amiss when you arenā€™t carrying, and not notice it when you are.


Thats how I feel about my iPhone :grinning:.

Itā€™s in the same vein. I came back from a deployment and it took over a month before I felt normal without my kit and weapon. When I carry now, I only notice it when I first put it on in the morning. Within a few minutes I donā€™t notice it. I do notice that I donā€™t have it on if I should go out without it.

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Not that it was an active deployment but when I came home from an extended exercise I would be constantly looking for my webbing and rifle so I get it. Itā€™s a weird feeling.

Be in full kit, with a full combat load, for the better part of 6 months. Itā€™s the weight of the ammo that makes its absence felt the most.

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Just donā€™t get the two mixed up when you need the gun. :wink: