WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

It’s Too Late To Matter.

Yes, the Black Sea fleet is pretty much irrelevant to the outcome of the war at this point.

The main purpose of the attacks appears to be to distract from more important events such as the continued destruction of Ukrainian forces, the continued advance of Russian forces, and the continued destruction of NATO assets in Ukraine.

Where do the continued destruction of Russian assets come into play? I know you love to claim that NATO has depleted it’s armaments, but you never talk about the depletion of Russian equipment and arms. They’re literally using equipment from the 1970s and before. Their best equipment has suffered terrible attrition. They’ve had to stop deliveries of weapons to clients because they need them to replace their losses. Do you ever see that side of it? Like, the US is rushing to increase production of Javelins and Stingers and things like that because they’re taking out T-80s, T-90s, T-72s, T-64s and now T-62s and BMPs, and BTRs, and KA-52s(almost a third of their total inventory is visually confirmed as being destroyed), landing ships, SU-34s, SU-35s, SAMS…the list goes on and on. How is NATO getting depleted and Russia isn’t?

Modern warfare is about who can produce artillery and drones the fastest. All this CIA endless war is doing is making Russia the most modern military power in the world.

Our leaders know nothing of history because they think they are so smart they have nothing to learn from it…

The dem voters are just puppet who will chant whatever the TV tells them. They are pavlov’s children.

They can be trained in a instant to go from chanting about the horrors of war to wanting total war. Just because a late night TV hosts tells them too.

That’s why they hate Trump. Because he’s not a puppet of the MIC and globalists…


Yes, according to western “experts” Russia has been a few weeks away being totally out of ammunition and weapons for the last two years, but the Russians still show no signs of running out.

The reality is that it will take many years for NATO restock the weapons that have already been used up in Ukraine even with increased production capacity.

That was the conclusion from CSIS in January 2023, shortly before the failed Ukranian offensive that resulted in huge expenditures of ammunition and equipment. Since then, the US and its allies have continued to drain already depleted stocks, and Israel is getting first dibs on the crumbs that are left.

We heard this before the invasion.

Right that’s why the mic and globalists got him to send weapons and trainers to Saudi Arabia. To the tunes of billions of dollars

The fantasy of the Pax Americana under Trump is such nonsense

Trump was the first president in decades not to start a new war. That was a real accomplishment.

It is clear that the permanent state within the FBI/CIA/Pentagon fought the president tooth and nail and were instrumental in the removal of Trump from office. Eisenhower may be the last president who was able to successfully control US foreign policy:

Putin had as similar observation in 2017. He noted that presidents come and go but policies remain the same.

I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.

Changing things is not easy, and I say this without any irony. It is not that someone does not want to, but because it is a hard thing to do. Take Obama, a forward-thinking man, a liberal, a democrat. Did he not pledge to shut down Guantanamo before his election? But did he do it? No, he did not. And may I ask why not? Did he not want to do it? He wanted to, I am sure he did, but it did not work out. He sincerely wanted to do it, but did not succeed, since it turned out to be very complicated.
TRANSCRIPT: Vladimir Putin’s interview with Le Figaro – Johnson's Russia List

And President Biden has so far continued this Trend. He has not started a single war. In fact he ended one albeit poorly.

Biden has started at least two wars.

He has been fighting a war in Yemen without congressional authorization.

And, of course, Biden instigated the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.

He has not started a single war.

Ukraine was there. Before he became president. Trying to call it an instigation is of course a joke. He did nothing as president to start the war in Ukraine.

Presidents Trump both funded weapons and sent trainers to the war in Yemen. Nice try though. Since you like random links so much

Wait, what two wars did Biden start? The Yemen war that’s been going on since 2014, and the Ukraine/Russian conflict that started when your leader Putin invaded and annexed Crimea? Remember that whole invasion thing that happened?

President Biden has greatly expanded the conflicts that Vice President Biden started.

Vice President Biden and his gang of cronies (Nuland, Sulivan, and Blinken) were direct participants in the 2014 coup and resulting civil war in Ukraine that killed over 14,000 Ukrainians, including over 3400 civilians. The vast majority of the casualties occurred while Vice President Biden was still in office.


President Biden has built on his earlier “success” by provoking the current NATO-Russia proxy war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and “foreign fighters” from NATO countries.

As far as Yemen, the Obama-Biden administration started a campaign of drone strikes in 2009 against alleged Al Qaeda targets. The attacks peaked in 2012 with 56 strikes and stopped in 2020 under Trump. The US also supported Saudi intervention in the civil war starting in 2014.

Drone strikes in Yemen - Wikipedia

The current US-Yemen war has nothing to do with Al Qaeda and therefore lacks any congressional authorization. It is President Biden’s war. He owns it!

They didn’t stop under Trump. He continued to issue strikes and send money. You should stop.

As far as Ukraine Trump sent lethal weapons to Ukraine

Meanwhile, back in the war… The Russian air force has used another new glide weapon against Ukraine. An ODAB-1500 (air fuel weapon) was used against a Ukrainian town yesterday. This is a USSR designed 1500 kg thermobaric weapon with a 500 meter effective blast radius and a strap on guidance/glide bomb system. The warhead is much larger than the 220 mm warhead on a TOS-1 rocket launcher.

isn’t this escalating? I say give Ukraine FAE’s now.

The Russian fighter bombers are definitely in the fight now. The tactics appear to be pretty effective. High speed, low level ingress to the release point for the target, using the stand off capability of the glide bomb package to bring air power to bear at the extremes of most of the Ukrainian ADA engagement envelopes. They are probably coordinating these strikes with their drone and SSM wave attacks. These glide bombs, both the HE versions and this air fuel weapon are significantly more accurate than their tube artillery. And because of the blast effect envelope of these weapons, they don’t need as many on target as they do with the tube artillery and rockets.

This is another dumb (unguided) bomb design from the Soviet Union days. Easy to make the warhead and case, just like the FAB series HE weapons. They are just doing the same thing we did with our dumb bombs, adding strap on glide bomb wings and guidance systems. I bet Ukraine has a bunch of these setting in depots, viewed as outdated and ineffective. What they need are guidance kits to give the Ukrainian air force the same effective weapons system for close air support.

  1. They aren’t that accurate, but then, they don’t need to be.

  2. Low level ingress decreases both range and accuracy, they are not outside of the Ukranian’s AD envelope, they are below it until just before release. For AD to be effective against them, AD would need to be bought closer to the front, making it susceptible to lancet strikes.

  3. Russia is losing aircraft at a rate faster than they can replace them.

all that said, Ukraine needs ammo. That’s their biggest problem at the moment.

we gave them a lot o JDAMs. They still have them. They need platforms.

They are definitely in the horse shoes and hand grenades category. Russia is losing platforms, but they still have at least 1500 left. They have learned to approach low and fast, then do a pop up to launch and immediately get back down on the deck. Their mission planners are probably identifying ingress and egress lanes to the targets that allow for maximum terrain masking. It is pretty obvious that they didn’t practice this type of mission before the war.

They seem to using the cheap drones as SAM sponges. They launch a swarm attack with drones going deep, then send the tac air in for front line strikes.