WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 1)

If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.

~Winston Churchill

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But given that the practical effect is the same, this is a distinction without difference

No it’s not. Not even close.

Yup. Sorry.

You should be. There is no direct correlation between those two positions.

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It would be easy to jump on the bandwagon. This war really pains me very much.

Even Biden half heartedly supports Zskyy… I am glad that EU countries are taking in refugees.

Maybe the armchair generals and media got it wrong

I don’t see any of the exclusion zone forces rejoining the battle in the east.

They will be busy polishing their Darwin awards.


The State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management nominated Russian troops for a “Darwin award” after it had been reported they took highly radioactive items from two labs near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

“After all, carrying such a souvenir with you for two weeks will inevitably lead to radiation burns, radiation sickness and irreversible processes in the body,” the agency’s Facebook post read. The post was accompanied by pictures of a “Darwin award,” and two other photos: one of some vials and the second of some cylindrical metallic discs allegedly used as a metric for radiation levels.

As Ben rightly pointed out, the NATO thing is a red herring.

Ukraine could never join NATO as long as the Donbas fight was ongoing, so all Russia needed to do to assure Ukraine would never join NATO is keep the Donbas fight simmering.

Plus…NATO is only a threat to Russia militarily because Russia has territorial ambitions.

Finally Ukraine has a special place in Russian history as it is the birthland of both Russians and Ukrainians.

So the idea a negotiated settlement was possible before the war is highly unlikely.

Besides…we already saw the results from Joe Biden attempting to use lethal aid as a bargaining chip ahead of his visit with Putin in June of last year, when the troop buildup first started.

I don’t know. I don’t have any special insight into this.

Still going great for Russia

In the most successful special operation of the last two months, Ukrainian security services announce they have captured Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin’s man in Ukraine.



You sound like you do. I am just trying to sort it out.

We can be happy about that. I am concerned about innocent people getting caught in the cross fire.

What do you think should be done about that?



Yikes- dressed in Ukrainian uniform to escape detection? Ballsy of a dude who has Putin as Godfather to his daughter.

For starters they should have gotten what they needed before the invasion. Hope the 1970s era helicopters work out for them. Thanks Joe, a little late. But the Biden saying is better late than never.

And Biden should have been stronger and had more resolve.

Please do not post Twitter links. Some of us left Twitter and Fakebook a long time ago.

Is Twitter your newspaper of record?

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I will second this.

I don’t support censors.

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So he had been under house arrest and was a pro Putin potential successor in Ukraine.