WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 1)

Has NATO partitioned Russia into western puppet states? It is clear that a prime point of arming violent extremists in Ukraine was to provoke a war with Russia to achieve that objective.

Will NATO governments use the war are pretext to impose police states and suspend elections in the name of saving democracy? Or will the EU collapse under the self-imposed energy embargo?

Apparently Ukr has now rebuilti ts airpower to the point that
Ukr is carrying out successful airstrikes against Russian targets in occupied Ukr.

Kinda caught the Russkies with their pants down. I mean, who’d be looking out for an Ukrainian airstrike, right?

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lol… no-one wants top partition ukraine except your buddy vlad.

it is clear that you suck up russian propaganda… thats very clear



now, has russia won yet? surely they should have.

Wow…the vacation didn’t help.

You went to Scotland and came back deeper into the Russian Propo Unreality Bubble

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Perhaps the ghost of Kiev has come back. I would be skeptical of reports from Kiev.

On the other hand, it is possible that NATO forces are secretly bombing Russian troops in Ukraine. NATO governments arguably need to ramp up the war to justify repression at home.

The US government funded a conference in June to explore plans to partition Russia.


NATO expected the Russia would collapse under western sanctions and western-dominated puppet states would result.

Galloway has a record of supporting brutal autocrats, no wonder you’re a fan.

Galloway even supported Saddam Husseins invasion of Kuwait, so a very apt comparison.

now that the flood waters have abated from russia’s desperate move in blowing up the dam ukr can get back to work in the kherson area.

Well Ukr has long had pilots, planes and bombs.
They just could not or did not get them off the ground during the first part of the Russian invasion.

The claim is only 20 sorties, but 20 unexpected sorties can be a very effective psychological weapon.

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hilarious, since the sanctions don’t do squat and anyone with any sense knew they were just for show. they’re not even tier two sanctions. completely worthless except for brandon to thump his chest

they needed the HARM missiles to effetively conduct SEAD ops. they have them now.

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I am sure that is a big part of it too.

For now I am tickled by the airstrikes. Imagine an army thinking for months ithad 100% control of the air, dropping its guard, and then suddenly 20 air strikes. I’d have to think from boots on the ground to to men behind disks they must be thinkng “What the Hell? We really don’t know what we’re doing here! Now ee gotta rethink everything!”

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The US government has a history of using lies and disinformation to justify wars that have killed millions.

In the case of Iraq, the US supported a Saddam Hussein in the bloody Iran-Iraq war after the Iraqi invasion in 1980. A decade later, the US invaded and occupied Iraq using the bogus pretext of weapons of mass destruction. Respect for national sovereignty and borders is highly selective.

At this point elements within the US government are looking for a pretext for escalating the war in Ukraine. Expect more bogus stories and false flags.

LOL nobody expected anything of the sort.

So . . .
US invades somewhere = America is bad.
Russia invades somewhere = America is bad.

Is that your point?
There is a war in Burma right now too. Lemme guess what your take on that is. (roll eyes)

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Yep, excuse making for autocrats who invade their neighbours is not a new things.

The US as spent trillions fighting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc. in the name of defending democracy and freedom. Millions of died in these wars.

What do we have to show for it? Are places like Iraq and Afghanistan any better off as a result of the wars? Is America any safer?

The reality has been that US foreign policy has been based on “what is good for Ratheon is good for America.” The endless wars are all about profits and payoffs. Ukraine is just the most recent example.

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None of which justifies Putin’s invasion of a sovereign state.

Take your whataboutism elsewhere.


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He sounds like a Leftist.

“Anything bad that happens in the world is the US’ fault”.

:rofl: :rofl:

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Horseshoe theory
