W to hold fundraiser for Liz

control? wasn’t about one state controling another. it was about all states adhering to the constitution which is the controling document.

On the other hand, it was always theoretically likely. There is nothing other than punching liberals. That’s all that’s there. An American conservative would eat dog ■■■■ if he could be sure that some liberal nearby would be annoyed by the smell.


the only fabrication here is your posting

It does seem to me to be an extremely difficult task to argue about federal overreach contemporaneously with one state can have a say in how another state conducts their election.

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I dunno, the ones who got vaccinated the second it became an option and still pretend like vaccines bad are even worse IMO.


I was against Iraq back then, got out of the army in 2002 because I refused to feel like a pawn of the military industrial complex anymore. All the dumbasses using phrases like “Freedom Fries” considered me a traitor and a leftist. A few years later when I touted Ron Paul, those same types called me an isolationist.

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I accept that. There were Republicans and conservatives like that. They were the RINOS back then, called such by many of the same people here calling Liz Cheney a RINO now for not wanting to let Donald Trump destroy the election. The Venn diagram of those two groups (Pro-Trump, Hard-on for the Iraq war) is fairly overlapping.


The complaint was based on completely fabricated claims of election fraud.

I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future a memo is found connects Ken Paxton to the same shenanigans laid out in the Eastman memo to reverse the election that Trump lost.

They’re still all neocons. They’re knee jerk reaction to getting what they supposedly wanted in A-Stan proves that.

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As someone who has been on this board for the last 15 years, that has been one of the most fascinating things I have witnessed. All those hardcore “With us or against us” “freedom fry” republicans undoubtedly voted for Trump and are now rabid anti-war isolationists. At least for now.


Most of the hardcore, “freedom fry” Republicans I know still want to nuke the Middle East. The one thing I was truly happy about with Trump was the lack of new wars, and the way he handled the drone situation with Iran. Dubya, Cheney and John Bolton would have been salivating at the opportunity to bomb Iran.


you really should read the bill of complaint before you attempt to characterize it. we’ll never know whether its complaints were valid, because no court will ever hear it. you are of course free to wrongly assert what the court did say and insert what it is you wanted to hear. doesn’t change a thing.

Very true…but that is a very low bar. “Don’t be crazy!!”

But I agree…I would rather have a sane conservative, than a Trump like pol in that seat.

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Well, they’re already crazy, so they can say what they want.

Just like using the rubber/glue tactic when it comes to authoritarianism, somehow trying to steal an election and storming the capital to stop the certification isn’t bad, but public health policies we have used for a century are.

To me, I would make it an open invite for any GOP Congressperson from a reliable Red state or district that if they vote their conscience and wind up facing a nasty primary, don’t fuss, we will run you as a Democrat without opposition and you can face the crazy person in the general election. And we will fund you nicely.

They only have to caucus with us, they can vote as they normally would.

These are seats we have no chance with, what is wrong with diversifying our approach and introducing a counter to the progressives which have been hindering us as Democrats. If we can get enough Conservatives the Progressives won’t be able to hold every bill hostage.

It is a win/win to me.

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One of the claims is that poll watchers HAVE to be present while the ballots are being counted.

That is false.

I think the Democrats would lose the progressive wing over that and split the party.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

and one is that secretaries of state have no legal authority to change election laws passed by their legislatures. that is true.

whether poll watchers have to be present would depend on each states laws, so it may be true for one but not another.


But it isn’t. The complaint was garbage. There was no way they were going to win it. It was all part of the big lie.