VP Debate 10/7/2020

What we learned:

-Harris refused to answer if a Biden Administration would pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges.

-Harris & Joe support tax payer abortion.

-Harris & Joe support full term abortion.

-Joe Biden is a Catholic FOR the killing of the unborn.

-Harris & Joe are soft on China:

*China controls ports in almost every major country in the world.

*China has a monopoly on most key ingredients in medicine.

*China unleashed the virus on the world.

*China has been stealing our intellectual property for decades.

*China forces sterilization & abortion on women.

*China persecutes people of faith.

*China abuses animals.

*China is buying up our media.

*Hunter Biden closed a 1.5 Billion deal with China thanks to his dad’s connections.

*China has “re-education” camps aka concentration camps for a minority Muslim group there.

*China shut down internal flights and kept international flights open when Covid broke out in China.

*China is responsible for the vast majority of our world’s air pollution.

*China is responsible for the vast majority of plastic in our world’s oceans.

-Harris & Biden have said they will end Trump tax cuts so that’s a tax increase for the Middle Class.

-President Trump never said that neo-nazi’s were “fine people” in Charlottesville - that is a lie. In the same speech President Trump went on to condemn the white Supremacists, the KKK & neo-Nazi’s.

-Harris said she wouldn’t ban fracking when Biden has promised to ban fracking.

-Harris’s own words on fracking: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. And starting — and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands.”

-Biden called President Trump’s banning of flights from China in January “xenophobic.”

-Hillary Clinton told Biden to refuse to concede if he loses.

Like the prediction that Biden won’t make any debates.

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I think my prediction largely held true here.

I know this was posted before the “fly” event, which makes this post all the more amazing! Well done my friend!

2 posts were split to a new topic: Politics in the next 4 Years

I give credit to my wife for that statement…and yes, it is ironically funny.

She is a smart woman! Ironic double-entendres are always awesome!

I made that prediction?

I don’t think they are saying that. Just saying that yours (like others) is a very common one.

Unlikely to make it to the inauguration.

So if you reverse ObamaCare but leave pre-existing condition protections you haven’t reversed ObamaCare.

Ya, that sounds about right.

(Although the Administration is arguing in court to end protections for pre-existing conditions, but that is another thread.)

He will if he wins. The stress will come later. Joe is a #2, not a #1.

I’m not debating whether the prediction has merit, just saying it’s a popular one.

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If he’s indicted before inauguration day, it will be difficult for him to to complete two years evennif he wins.

He’s not going to be indicted for anything. That’s nonsense.

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Thanks for expressing your opinion. I am interested in what you think. We’ll see how it plays out.

By the way, Harris lied about Lincoln and the SCOTUS.

I heard that Harris had over 2 extra minutes speaking last night. One section she was allowed to go uninterrupted for almost three.

You heard incorrectly.

Have you seen the remix?