Voter ID Laws By State And The Electoral Outcome

Did anyone happen to notice how Harris almost exclusively won states that don’t require photo ID? :thinking:


It’s time to have some fun with ballot initiatives next time around.

Make every state choose and make their candidates go on record about IDs and illegals voting.

And laws requiring cleaning the rolls with regularity.

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I would absolutely love to see them have the balls to put voter ID initiatives on their ballots. :rofl:

More people voted to ban foreigners from voting than they did to allow abortion. :wink:

I’m sure it was just a kawinky dink.

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More likely a chicken-or-egg question. Likely Harris didn’t win those states because voter ID is not required. I think states that favor libs also oppose voter ID.


federal elections should have federal standards

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I noticed and expected it with all that fraud.

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Pennsylvania has a voter ID law so this map is inaccurate, at least for that.

If you are new to a precinct, a new voter, or a voter who hasn’t voted in a while, he are required to show your ID.

In other words, Pennsylvania requires an ID precisely for the kinds of situations where voter fraud would be most likely to happen.