Voter fraud charges filed against GOP Rep. Steve Watkins

6021 S.W. 29th given and the actual was 1310 S.W. Overlook They aren’t even close so it was intentional. Again, the timing is suspicious but he should be prosecuted for the laws he broke.

Thanks for posting this LuLou. It’s a more informative link than the OP.


The excuse given for the delay was COVID and that they were waiting for a sheriff’s investigation to be completed? That again…makes sense. The charging of this just minutes before those running are going on stage for a political event doesn’t though? The timing is suspect but the charges appear valid.

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The take away will be that fraud is real…not how much of it happens.

Maybe this joker did it on purpose to crush the “never happens” narrative?


He thought, 'Sure, five yrs in prison for me and no one else, that’ll show those dirty libs"?


This idiot thought committing voter fraud was going to be easy.


That was harsh.

Libs are not necessarily “dirty.”

Five years is plenty of time to ponder choices made.


This dumb Republican believed the “voter fraud is easy” BS.


No stupidity is real, who registers to vote with a UPS store address and thinks they can get away with it.


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So he did it to troll the libs and get some zazen time on the books?

Did he?

I guess that was a very poor choice if he did.

Looks rather moronic to me. The UPS store address is contemptible and loses any sympathy from me.

He should plead temporary insanity.


Why are you asking me this again?

I can’t channel this.

See what you can do.


Because you keep deferring to arguments like “maybe he did it on purpose”. I’m trying to flesh that out.

OK. Let us know when you do.


Helps if you explain.

This response seems light years away from your usual condemnation and zero tolerance policy of anything that even hints at voter fraud.

I wonder what is diffeRent?


if only he were honest like democrats huh?

That probably sounded better in your head…

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So what Democratic representative used a UPS store for his voting address.

This I gotta hear.



where did i say that happened?

stick to the topic pls