Volker resigns from State Department

I am going to take a wild leap and guess a progressive white male who is ruining this country by making female arguments.


Sorry I mean hysterical female arguments.

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Usually ? Everything. In this particular case?.. everything especially about Volker not being involved

By all means then show us exactly how Volker was involved in the call or that he was responsible for the WB report.

Could his name be in the report? GASP

Yes he’s mentioned, so what? He’s not involved in the call and he’s not the WB’r.

It’s a message board. We spell everything out here


we will see what he knows when it testify before Congress.

Well so far we know he wasn’t involved in the call or in the WB report other than his name being mentioned.

Go ahead though, bet your whole wad on him bringing Trump down with his testimony.

President are not impeached for criminal act, they are impeached for trying to cover them up.

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No, Clinton was impeached for lying to a federal judge.

to cover him that he banged an intern.

Kurt D. Volker worked as a volunteer as a U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine until his resignation on September 27, 2019 and he was a previous USA Ambassador to the U.N and is an executive director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership….let me guess that he is anti-Trump! :roll_eyes:

He could very well be the leaker in this “whistle blower” scam since he may have had access to the Ukraine side of the phone conversation and he is just another planted spy using volunteer as a cover. This Ukraine nonsense is just another example of illegal leaking using the legal cover of the whistle blower program.

The DC swam is DEEP in filth and corruption and due to the massive Government bureaucracy, there is no way the newcomer/outsider President Trump can get rid of all the leftover Trump haters.

Trump need to inact some type of loyalty test purge.

Nixon was impeached and it wasnt even over a crime…you dont have ti commit a crime to be impeached

No, Nixon was never impeached.

Nixon committed quite a few crimes starting with the conspiracy to conduct a cover up.

Article 3…it wasnt a crime…my point stands

Your point was a failed one on both counts.

Nixon wasn’t impeached and he committed quite a few crimes for which he was going to be impeached and probably convicted in the senate.

Alright…well I really dont care what you think…I’ll take a more knowledgeable lawyer over random internet poster number 457…

So…you have fun with that rose.

Well it would be helpful if you started with some actual facts.

Nixon was never impeached and he committed quite a few crimes starting with directing the conspiracy to cover up the break in.

NO! He is the world’s greatest journalist!