Virginia declares state of emergency over 2nd amendment rally at the capitol

What until the SC proves you wrong gun grabber.

Hey @Safiel,

Could you weigh in on this?

I think WCD is blowing smoke.

Does not mean that the SC has ruled.
Means that they kicked those cases back to the lower courts. You seem to believe that this means they said they are constitutional. Afraid your wrong again. They will eventually hear them.
In fact there is a case they have accepted now that could over turn every gun law in the United States.

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You can scream fire all you want in a theater.
If you cause people to panic you can be charged with inciting panic.
If no one panics you can be charged with nothing.
So there is no ban on shouting the word fire.


What he said.


Did you read the article. It was pretty good and discussed how that case was reversed .

But it still accepted that the 1a (and by extension the 2a) is not a absolute right

Yup. The supreme Court and a the justices (now and prior) are incorrect. Oldandtired is the only true authority!

Except on the cases I showed you they didn’t kick them back to the lower court. They declined to hear them and let the lower court ruling stand.
There is a difference

This isnt a top secret thing.
For the supreme Court to hear a case, 4 judges have to accept it. That’s it.
Therefore if the supreme Court decides NOT to hear a case, it means 6 judges decided not to hear it

You seemed to be mistaken that the SC has ruled registries and red flag laws constitutional and I was kind enough to point out how you were mistaken. And what do I get for my trouble of making you more informed? Do I get a thankyou? No you continue to pass out insults.

I have already shown you over and over again how they have. You seen to just be in denial.
The supreme Court in Heller said restrictions are ok.
in addition When a federal appeals court rules them consitutional and the supreme Court let’s it stand and decided not to hear the case (which has happened multiple times in last 10 years)
Then it is, by definition, consitutional.
If 4 of the 9 thought it wasn’t, then they would hear it.
They haven’t.

I’ll even go further. You a NFL fan? I am. If you are you know all scoring plays are automatically review.
If someone scores a TD, and no one buzzes the ref to review the play what does it mean?

But it’s an important bill, right?

[Matt Howell, Former federal prosecutor; criminal defense attorney; civil litigator

Answered Aug 26, 2015

As Clif Gilley states, when the Supreme Court denies review, the ruling from the lower court remains in effect and will govern the parties to that case. Thus, in the same-sex marriage cases that were denied certiorari in October 2014 (all of which affirmed the right to same-sex marriage), in each of those circuits, all states had to recognize same-sex marriage even before the Supreme Court decided the case in June 2015.

It is important to understand that the supreme court’s denial of review is not an endorsement of the lower court’s decision. It is simply a refusal to consider the issue for the time being but reserving the right to review the issue in the future.

Ehh…look at the very example you cite. When the SC finally heard it what did they decide?

If they continue to decline to hear the same type of cases in years following a decision where they actually wrote that restrictions on types of guns and requirements to buy guns were ok, it’s not a stretch to understand why.
By writing Heller, and letting lower courts ruling stand on those restrictions, it’s pretty clear.

Anyway, it’s been fun! Date night with the wife!
Ill be back tomorrow! :grin:

The rally wasn’t even planned until the new governor and legislature started proposing a whole slate of anti gun legislation.

What the hell are you even prattling about now? This has to do solely with gun rights period.

No, there was no blanket approval or endorsement of restrictions in the Heller decision. Scalia was very specific as to the restrictions that are constitutional.

Odd you folks can never seem to remember much less quote the entire paragraph.

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If the restaurant owner says it’s cool for you to have a firearm, then it isnt gonna bother me

So what’s going on in here? I saw something on the news at work about neo Nazis getting pinched?

Yeah,all three of them…