Vicious hate crime in Michigan. Where's BLM?

So a white man in Michigan executes his black neighbor because the neighbor’s daughter touched his mulch. This violent white supremacist hate crime of white on black violence should be covered by every news site in the country. An FBI hate crimes task force needs to be on the scene as well as several hundred BLM rioters. Ben Crump needs to rush up to represent the family. Why isn’t this happening? Easy. I got their races backwards. The white man was the victim and the black man the perp. There is no political gain here for liberals. Enter Altair to provide the coverage that your news sources refuse to give. YOU’RE WELCOME!


A murder occurred because of a neighbor dispute and the reaction is to make it racial because leftists make everything about race.

Never ever change


That’s true.

And he knows it. Right FC?


Not always. It’s only about race when they can have a black person to play the victim. My analogy is spot on. Am I right?

Never change
:joy: :clown_face: :joy:

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So you called out the left by making something up

Amazing. Go you. I am sure felt amazing.

I am amazed by my wit constantly! Especially when calling out lib hypocrisy. Cuz ya know I’m right in my assertion. One thing we know for sure. You wouldn’t even know about this story had it not been for me. I’m doing the job that your news sources refuse to do. Where’s my thanks?


I suspect OP’s point is that if the races here were reversed, it would easily create outrage on a national scale as well as claims of race being a factor in the crime. You disagree ?

Has the man been arrested and charged with a crime or did he go free because of qualified immunity as he was operating under the authority of the State?


I only know what was in the article. You’re free to read it.

I know what is in the article.

You see the difference in the concern about the State’s use of violence against the citizenry and random violence between two private citizens… right?

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Yes i disagree.

Because the crime stemmed from a neighbor dispute.

Oh I thank you very much for the chuckle this nonsense elicits

You want it so bad to be same thing so very very bad. But it’s not

Had racial animus played a role then we would be having a different discussion. There is not even an allegation of that. No matter how hard you try to your wit.

Right. And George Floyd’s demise stemmed from a dispute about a counterfeit $20 bill.

I don’t think we need to know about every murder that happens in America. The only reason you heard about it was because Gateway Pundit thought they could play on the racial fears of it’s audience for some advertising bucks. And guess what? They were right.


Except it didn’t. That’s ignoring everything that happened after he was detained. All of that preceded the actual murder

You are overthinking it.

Oh and by the way that was a thug in cops uniform. I don’t care if he was racist. He murdered somebody because he was on a power trip

The racist factor was read into based on a history of violence by Leos towards black people. Here there is no evidence of anything other than a dispute
There have actually been prior black on white murders that garnered national attention in part because they were race based

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Of course they were

The self victimizing is next.

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But is there any actual concrete evidence that race was a factor in this particular case ? i.e. if Floyd were white, he wouldn’t have been treated the same way by Mr. Chauvin ?

No. That’s my whole point

Again citizen here versus a police officer in Floyd. That’s what drove the narrative with Floyd. That he was a cop

That’s not what my thread is about. My thread is about the hypocrisy of the civil rights movement and the media coverage. You have noticed this…Right?