so The Vice President want on a twitter rant (maybe he is learning from his boss) and got so many of the basic fact about 9/11 wrong.
he claims there was 12 hijackers there was 19.
he claim Iran and Qasem Soleimani help transport the hijackers into Afghanistan for training, they didn’t the U.S congressional report found zero evidence Iran new about the attack or help the group. also why would Iranian help their mortal enemies Saudi Sunnis.
Claim Iran and Soleimani aid the Taliban even though Iran was one of the main support of the Northern Alliance in combating the Taliban.
seriously did Pence go to school, do we live in pretend land.
Oh dear - sounds like he’s been spending too much time around Trump. He use to be the (relatively) reasonable person in this administration. Now it looks like he’s picked up the habit of lying and making ■■■■ up.
I’m sure at least some will swallow it without question. Willing to bet these tweets get deleted at some point and they try again later? Have you seen some of the blowback on there already? Good thing we’re not all mindless rubes.
I’d ask why Congress isn’t moving to immediately remove Trump’s sorry ass, but I already know the answer to that. Bought and paid for. Anyone else starting to wonder if this “self defense” act against an “imminent threat” wasn’t orchestrated by an outside influence? Seems odd that Trump was talking to Russia about this but not Congress or Iraq and even Eric knew about it before any of them did. Then again…
Funny how there are people who ignore that there are both liberals and conservatives who see the reality of this administration. But, hey - why let reality get in the way, right?