Vice President Kamala Harris

Social Democrat. Center-right, most places. Catholic distributism is more socialist.

Sanders will never advocate for or accept seizing the means of production.

You should tell trump and ivanka about it. Apparently, they didnā€™t know Harris was a socialist.

Trump donated to Kamala Harris twice: $6,000 total in 2011 and 2013.

ā€œHarris also landed $2,000 from Ivanka Trump, and $2,000 from Steven Mnuchin when she ran for the Senate in 2016ā€


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: No good slackers!

Iā€™ve probably wasted three times or more of that amount in the same time period on bad investments. I donā€™t like to brag about it either.

Obama voters who voted for Trump in 2016: One report says the number is 13% while another study says 4%. I hope someone does a study of how many Trump voters will shift and vote Biden this year.
I think that the numbers are going to be significant.

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I was raised a Roman Catholic, educated by the Sisters of St. Joseph, Christian Brothers of Seton LaSalle and Jesuits. Iā€™ve never heard the term ā€œCatholic distributionā€ unless itā€™s relative to food pantries or meals caring for the elderly? Can you be a little informative?

Why would trump and ivanka donate money to a known socialist? Any ideas?

Social Democrats are not anywhere near center-right.

Influence. They were buying, the others were peddling.

Wouldā€™ve been nice if @bigtwnvin answered the question.

Send him a PM next time.

Not ā€˜distributionā€™.


Pius Eleven: Rerum Novarum.

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Who is Joe Biden 2020?

Iā€™ll take Wokeness for $300, Alexā€¦

Everywhere else, yes.


Spell check got me.

i think is how the left felt overall about the democrats attacking his family

ā€œtoo badā€

giphy (1)



those with a soul know itā€™s wrong

According to Harrisā€™ father Donald Harris, a retired Stanford University economics professor, the Harris family descends from a 19th-century slave owner, Hamilton Brown.

She also comes from Slave owners. Will she personally pay reparations?