Vice President Harris breaks nearly 200-year-old record for Senate tiebreaker votes, casts her 32nd

The vote came either on cloture or on confirmation of a United States District Judge for the District of Columbia.

Congratulations on breaking John C. Calhoun’s 191 year old record.

And she did it in the space of less than three years.

And she will likely get to pad her record with a few more tie breakers over the next 13 months.

#32 was a cloture vote on said judge.

She later cast #33 on the confirmation of the same judge.

She’s hystoric.

She also slept her way to the job with at least willie brown.

What a woman!!


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I actually think women like that are skuzzy and skanks.

They should all be reverse “me tooed”.

You just know women like that don’t sleep with just one person to move up the ranks.

And look how it paid off.

Plenty of men do it as well.

Men just don’t get called on the carpet for it.

Anyhow, not like I was supporting her politic views.

Just recognizing a historic moment.

I always find this so laughable. If a guy was capable of sleeping his way to the top he would do it in a heartbeat. But carry on!!!

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They would if they run for VPOTUS

Railed it! :rofl:


Men sleep with women with the power to propel them into the VP?

What women are those?

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He’d have to do it with another man.

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You do realize men can have sex with other men right?

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So lemme make sure I’ve got this right; the opinion of the dumbest VP ever…is the one most used to break a tie since the beginning of this nation and that’s the Brandonite world “we” live in. Looking around at the current state of affairs, the dots connect.

If you say so.

If you say so.

82 million.

Trump got more votes than Obama.

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Lol :rofl:

