Originally published at: VENEZUELA CRUMBLING: 8,000 Executions, 87% in Poverty, 65% Increase in Maternal Mortality | Sean Hannity
A stunning new report from Amnesty International is shedding new light on the escalating humanitarian crisis sweeping Venezuela; saying Maduro’s government is overseeing the “worst human rights crisis” in the nation’s history.
The staggering 58-page report titled, ‘This is no way to live: Public security and the right to life in Venezuela’ highlights the widespread abuse of average citizens at the hands of Nicolas Maduro’s socialist regime.
According to the data, between 2015 and 2017 there were 8,292 “extrajudicial executions,” a 65% increase in maternal mortality, a 30% increase in infant mortality, and 87% of all residents living in poverty.
“The government has failed to prevent armed violence and investigate other human rights violations in the country. Instead, Venezuelan authorities have publicly stated that killing people in the context of security operations is a successful practice,” writes Amnesty International.
“Venezuela is going through one of the worst human rights crises in its history. The list of crimes under international law against the population is growing,” said one official.
Read the stunning report here.